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Raid T2 S2


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Before the patch, even though the description says status effect lasts for 2 sec, raid used to stun when used with T2 S2 talent, but since the update it no longer seems to do anything. Has anyone else noticed this, or was it changed and the tooltip never changed? I used to love my double stun, but now it's kind of a waste to even go to it.

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21 hours ago, Ghobe said:

The target must already be stunned for it to extend the stun...


This, it's always been like this. It will extend any CC for 2s. One of my favorite combos to bait the tab is Rush (2) - > Q -> RB - > Raid (2) -> RB x2 -> Flicker -> E (or 1) -> LB x2. They usually tab at some point during the 6s of stuns (which makes the Q and E used during the combo multi-purpose to avoid their tab daze) and then I use five point slash to start the blade call combo and dazes to keep them in it. 

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