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KFM Ping Question


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Hello. I have been playing KFM since beta and I really do like it. However, I usually hover around 85-90 ms all the time and it is hard to get combos off, do a proper rotation, and to even dodge and block at times. I consider myself a well-above average player in mmo's and I am wondering if I am going to be able to play this toon properly with my ms. Any information on this would be helpful. Thanks to anyone who answers. 

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My ping ranges from around 70 to 200 at times as a lot and I notice a huge difference when the spikes happen. For pvp I struggle because I can't always string the stun lock combos (although I'm also just not good at pvp). In pve ive been studying boss animation and triggers since I'm often the tank (a lot of times just because I'm out damaging my party). But by far the biggest issue is its extremely hard for me to hit my f escape in time.  On fights like poh where she basically stun locks you unless you hit the f I either have to predict it before hand or take half my hp bar in dmg.  But it should he stated even with my ping I can hold aggro, do great damage, and so on.  But I admit the room for error is a lot smaller.  Like I tried soloing brightstone (I'm well geard), but I have basically no room for error at all.  

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90 ms might take your "edge" off top tier PvP, so maybe you will end up 200 ranking points lower in arena, but that should be about it. What I recommend however is to make sure your fps is minimal! 20 fps corresponds to an additional 50 ms less reaction time that you do not want. If you run on 40-60 fps you should be fine for PvE with 90 ms latency. Or you have a look into VPN based latency reduction, optimization fixes for your network settings or softwares like WTFast (no personal knowledge of that stuff, though). Just my normal connection with better network setings has me at 32 ms, but on American servers I had 140 ms and PvE was not too bad as a KFM.

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