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Is there a kfm vs destroyer video guide somewhere ?


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Played 70 games already and i m in gold right now and i have never took even a round to a destroyer  not even dropped one below 50% .

I ve reached a point where i just stay afk when i m matched against one .

So is there a video guide somewhere or something useful ? All that i have found are guides with  "water is wet and fire is hot " type of tips .

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KFM strugle again destroyer? that new.KFM is one of the strongest class again destroyer.....you have INSANE stun lock,healing,counter etc.just dont let  him get you when he have is fury up. dont rush and try to burst him,play more defencivly and stun lock him to death.....well that what every KFM do on my destro....hate KFM

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1 hour ago, Zakard said:

KFM strugle again destroyer? that new.KFM is one of the strongest class again destroyer.....you have INSANE stun lock,healing,counter etc.just dont let  him get you when he have is fury up. dont rush and try to burst him,play more defencivly and stun lock him to death.....well that what every KFM do on my destro....hate KFM


And this i the kind of thing i specified  ..."water is wet fire is hot" ...

No shit "stun lock him to death "  ? Because there is a match up where i m not supposed to stun lock someone ?

"Dont let him get you when his fury is up" oh really ? wasn t i supposed to dance in front of him ?

"you have INSANE stun lock,healing,counter etc"  no shit i have abilities so better use them right ?

Dayum you made everything so clear you just made me realize that i needed to press buttons ! Because every other match up i just used  to draw pictures on paint and win .


Seriously dude a 3 year old that never played the game could give me those "tips" ...

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Destroyer is the one class I actually feel confident against.


There's a bunch of great methods to disable the destroyer.  First Q/E make you invuln to their spinning pretty consistently.  Secondly, there's a good video out there of Shiro showing you how to sweep and KB destroyers while they're spinning.


Strategy is pretty straight-forward.  Sweep them, making them use their F escape.  Then SS and RMB to do the next knock-down and stand right next to them.  If they don't waste their CC break, as they start to stand up use Z to stun them and make them use their CC break.


Use knock-downs and knock-ups against them a lot and grapple.  Slower fight, but they can't avoid those attacks while spinning.  Just make sure you don't use them right away when the spin starts.  There's a full immunity for a split second before they become vulnerable to being knocked down/up.

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Worst match ups for KFM IMO is KFM and Summoner right now. SIN and Destroyer can go both ways, but SIN has more tools to lock down and screw with the KFM. Destroyer, like anyone, one mistake and its half the health. Personally I have a few trouble because I'm trying to figure out the proper way to bait their reversals before CC Combo. Flurry > (Des)Retreat > Comet Strike > (Des)Spin > Leg Sweep > (Spin again?) I don't know how many reverals they have though. That already took away every CC I could use to bait. :<

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I played KFM for a while and quite a beginner at it, but when it comes to Destroyer, I'm not quite worried as few other classes.

Most of my Destroyers opponents always get airborne. When an opponent is sent to the air, if you have enough focus then it is certain that they will get hurt because you can't escape in the air. KFM has 3 skills (or maybe 4) to send opponent sky high. Tiger Pounce (upgraded with 1min cool down), use it when they are far away. "That one high kick," followed by any stunt skills, you can use it quickly before they tab out of their stunt. Leg Sweep can knock them down, but of course they will quickly get back up, at that moment just Retreat (SS) and Smite (F) them back into the air. And that is simply how I rarely lose a match with Destroyer at Gold rank.

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26 minutes ago, Elfae said:

I played KFM for a while and quite a beginner at it, but when it comes to Destroyer, I'm not quite worried as few other classes.

Most of my Destroyers opponents always get airborne. When an opponent is sent to the air, if you have enough focus then it is certain that they will get hurt because you can't escape in the air. KFM has 3 skills (or maybe 4) to send opponent sky high. Tiger Pounce (upgraded with 1min cool down), use it when they are far away. "That one high kick," followed by any stunt skills, you can use it quickly before they tab out of their stunt. Leg Sweep can knock them down, but of course they will quickly get back up, at that moment just Retreat (SS) and Smite (F) them back into the air. And that is simply how I rarely lose a match with Destroyer at Gold rank.

Kfm air combos cost a ton of focus and deal the least damage of any air combo in the game ... and with the camera bug half of them drop ... good luck with that

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17 minutes ago, zibouyah said:

Kfm air combos cost a ton of focus and deal the least damage of any air combo in the game ... and with the camera bug half of them drop ... good luck with that


"Good luck" to whom? I did say I rarely lose to Destroyer at Gold rank so I'm guessing that's not for me. And yes camera can be quite buggy but as soon as you on the ground, you can quickly scroll toward your opponent and fix that. On focus cost, that is your skill management. I can't say I had any trouble with it, considering how I always end air combo with a grapple, which I upgraded so I refill fill all focus and a lot of HP. Sure in some situation, grapple can be risky, but as some high ranking PvPers I know have claimed: higher risk yield higher reward in BnS pvp.

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35 minutes ago, Elfae said:


"Good luck" to whom? I did say I rarely lose to Destroyer at Gold rank so I'm guessing that's not for me. And yes camera can be quite buggy but as soon as you on the ground, you can quickly scroll toward your opponent and fix that. On focus cost, that is your skill management. I can't say I had any trouble with it, considering how I always end air combo with a grapple, which I upgraded so I refill fill all focus and a lot of HP. Sure in some situation, grapple can be risky, but as some high ranking PvPers I know have claimed: higher risk yield higher reward in BnS pvp.

I tried your strat .. faced 5 destroyers  well 3 but had 5 games against then ( i m so lucky ) and (no pun intended) got destroyed .

Without my ice block i just got red spinned to death . "but you can q and e to get agility then just run away "  well on my screen the destroyer isnt even remotely near me but i still get cleaved like a *cricket* but i m used to it . And the tech chasse always ends the same i get him down and he just wakes up instanly into a spin that instantly stuns me  ( isnt the spin suppsoed to stun you only after 5 hits or something ? ) . Well i worked my ass to reach gold then 5 dstroyer games dragged me down to silver .

I have maybe like 20 games or more against destroyers since last patch and i have won 0 rounds 0 ...yeah i guess i m just shut at this game and i suck donkey balls then how come i still reached gold ? If i m sooooooooooooo bad to lose all my games against destroyers why am i not getting trashed by fm ? by summoners ? by over kfm by bm by lbm ? even assassins that are completely broken against kfm i still manage to get wins if they screw up (well they have to screw up massively ) .

This just isnt fun . I understand that 'there is a way " but that "way" but having to work my ass just to hope to even remotely be hable to put up a fight against a destroyer isnt fun .

And this isnt the only thing that bothers me . There are too many instances in this game that rely on "not allowing your opponent to play " i m not talking about cc combo  i m talking about skills that just log down your abilities .

Like force force masters that just by using their abilities prevent me from using any of my dash that s 3 skills that i cant use against a force master just because he isnt afk .

That s lazy game design . "hey force masters are too vulnerable to gap closer what should we do ?"  "oh *cricket* it just make them lock their opponents gap closers "

But hey i still deal with it but winning against a fm doesn t feel rewarding . Same with the spins in this game ....a spammable  immunity that deals damage .... dude seriously if i came to you with a pitch for a fighting game and  i told you "well there will be a character that can spam an ability that makes him immune and that deals damage " what would be your first reaction ?

I know there are kfm at the top but i feel like as a kfm you have to be twice as good as your opponent to win . There is no "oh shit button" no" pve rotation" that you can spam in pvp to grind your way . But i was cool with that until i noticed that i was getting punished by the game for not being wayyyyyyyy better that my opponent . That s like being plat in league and getting matched against diamond 1 consistently and losing was dropping you back into gold . Doesn't feel fair does it ?

And those camera bugs ......those camera bugs are the little drop that makes the cup overflow (french expression) .

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