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N00b question from a n00b


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Ok so....

I have been playing summoner for a few days, Gotten to the 15-17 range, And been having a lot of fun with this class.

Now I have been on here for a couple hours and been seeing the terms 'House Cat' and 'Alley Cat' tossed around a few times and tbh I have no idea what anyone is talking about.

What is the significance of these terms? How do you access this in game to tell what kind of cat yours is? How do you switch them, If that is a doable thing?


Forgive my ignorance Q_Q. 

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Alley cat is an aggressive perk for your cat in the martial tome. It enhances their fighting ability and attack power. The exact amount is dependent on your attack power


House cat is a very defensive perk for your cat in the martial tome. It enhances their HP and Defense ability. The exact amount is also determined by your HP and Defense.


They can be located here


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Alley Cat will make your cat have higher damage output but with lower defense and hp

House Cat will make your cat have lower damage output but with higher defense and hp


most people go with house cat because of higher survivability (of the cat) and tank cat build (combine with form 2 crouching tiger skill)


you can choose between those two in the martial tome (K), in the very bottom of the skill list.

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