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Sometimes I wonder.....


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Are all the people posting whining "I Quit", "Give me Give me", "This game sucks" are even over 18.  It feel so sad that most people can't even come up with something that is remotely reasonable to complain about.  Let's break it down and not be kids and trolls.


"I Quit"

Ok, just go, no one needs to know, are you just ranting?


"Give me Give me"

Companies need money to function, Free 2 Play is not Free!  If you ran a business and I just come in and receive your services and don't pay a dime and all I do is complain about this and that, how do you feel?  Jesus, Cool it Kids.  I am happy for subs and cash shop players are keeping this game alive for all our us F2P players, Thank you and Thank you NC Soft.


"This game sucks"

... Go back to topic 1. 


Anyways, not complaining about complaining but some topics I see are just so ridiculous.


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Sometimes I wonder why trolls even care? Move on if it bothers you and stop clogging forums with threads like this and telling us how it makes you feel uncomfortable. I personally think that most people are crybabies so I AGREE with you but..


What did you expect when you made this unnecessary thread other than contributing to the problem you mention? Saying "Not complaining about complaining" doesn't justify it. 

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Well no game is perfect so people will voice their opinion in what way they can be it a rant or constructive feedback

I like reading the "i quit" threads and the "give me" to hear what people have to say

If not one speaks up then nothing will change and the game will suffer 

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