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Loot Auction Custom Keybindings


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I've been experiencing some difficulties with the static keybinds for the loot auction. Since I have a swiss keyboard layout, my Z and Y keys are switched and Y is one of my skills.

That means, whenever I'm in a dungeon and someone loots something during a fight, I can't use my Y skill until the auction is over (even if I already declined with N).

Sometimes I even accitentally bid for an item I don't even need.

Binding the Y-skill to another key is pretty inconvenient and currently we are unable to bind the "Yes" option to another key.


So I kindly ask you to make custom keybindings for the "Yes" and "No" options.

By that I don't just mean the loot auction, but every kind of confirmation window (salvaging, leaving lobbys, ...).




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