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New to PvP!


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Hey guys! I'm new to pvp as the title says and I want some advice for playing pvp with destroyer because from 5 duels I lost all of them since I really don't know how to play it.


So I have some questions: 1.What is CC?

2. How do I make combos and what are the best combos?

3. If I have a higher ping how can I cancel animation?

4. Do soul shields matter or is just the skill tree?

5. I always get stunned, ALWAYS. Every SM and FM stuns me, how do I avoid that?

6. My opponents are extremely fast but I am not, is it cause i have a high ping or what?


This is my first pvp game so my questions are pretty much noob questions, thanks for your patience.

btw im lvl 30


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1. CC is short for "Crowd Control", it refers to any status effects which inhibit enemy's abilities. This includes Stun, Daze, Knockdown, Unconscious, and others.
3. As far as I know, the answer is you're kind of out of luck there. You can try to bootleg it by just throwing RMBx2 and a LMB (non ani-cancel) and see if you can get away with it.
4. For arena 1v1 your equipment does not matter at all. Your stats and level is normalized to 45.
5. Make sure to spend 2 points in Gust (Tab). For some matchups it's better to spec it to Daze the opponent when you use it, for other spec it to break out of Grabs and Stuns. Be careful though as this has a 36s CD.
6. One thing that might help is make sure to put points into Hurricane (Tab) and go to far right tree and get the 0.5s parry. The first point will also give +60% Movement Speed.
2. This is the hardest part, there are very few guaranteed combos for the Destroyer. In general, try to get CC's and throw damage; when the Stun/Knockdown is about to expire, use another before it does. Most of Destroyer "combo" ing has to be done freeform and depends on what escapes the enemy uses. Just try chaining CC's and figure it out as you go.

Hope this helps a little.

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On 2/16/2016 at 3:24 AM, Zelareth said:

1. CC is short for "Crowd Control", it refers to any status effects which inhibit enemy's abilities. This includes Stun, Daze, Knockdown, Unconscious, and others.
3. As far as I know, the answer is you're kind of out of luck there. You can try to bootleg it by just throwing RMBx2 and a LMB (non ani-cancel) and see if you can get away with it.
4. For arena 1v1 your equipment does not matter at all. Your stats and level is normalized to 45.
5. Make sure to spend 2 points in Gust (Tab). For some matchups it's better to spec it to Daze the opponent when you use it, for other spec it to break out of Grabs and Stuns. Be careful though as this has a 36s CD.
6. One thing that might help is make sure to put points into Hurricane (Tab) and go to far right tree and get the 0.5s parry. The first point will also give +60% Movement Speed.
2. This is the hardest part, there are very few guaranteed combos for the Destroyer. In general, try to get CC's and throw damage; when the Stun/Knockdown is about to expire, use another before it does. Most of Destroyer "combo" ing has to be done freeform and depends on what escapes the enemy uses. Just try chaining CC's and figure it out as you go.

Hope this helps a little.

thanks a lot!!!

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