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FM and Mushin Tower 1 on 1


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Hello boys and girls.

Yesterday is the first time ever that I finished lvl 7. on mushing .. I had an assassin on the russian servers..and I died each time at lvl 4. never got passed it with a decent gear.

Now I'm here with a FM and with decent gear ..  Keep in mind please that I cleared him with awakened siren +6 , later on I made it +9, and it can be done with a lower weapon ,  I had one more minute on the clock fighting   Junghado


Ok.. so what did I think about the mushin for a FM that never played FM ?  I found that the levels 1 till 6 . were VERY easy with the builds I found on the internet. and I just remade them a bit to fit me better and my way of play.

But first this is what I have .. so it's not a big dead.  Screenshot_160212_000.jpg


Now the build that I used . first I used this build

I modified the Frost Fury for Tier 3 Stage 3.  you might want to keep this till the end.. the health regen is like "JESUS YES"


AND VERY IMPORTANT.. at 3F , You might want to change a bit .. and go for MORE AOE then him, HE HAS FAR MORE DMG, My advice is to cut some skills short and GO for the Meteor Shower ... I highly advice it.


I did it like him .. and I only killed a few before I had to run for my life and repeat..  


Keep in mind I never died till I got to the 7th floor with this build.. but I will changed it . yes.





The 7TH floor I tried to kill the boss with the build that's posted in the first video . BUT I FAILED EACH TIME... he has far to much dmg for a lower weapon to hold on it's own .. and that the boss in the video.. he has far LESS HP.


So I used THIS BUILD...  Only that I MODIFIED the  Force Blast . to TIER 1 and Stage 3 .. so you can have an extra Stun...


And that's it really .. It took me only 2 tries with this guys build... first time I died . I left the boss at 5.000 HP,,, Yeah you read it right . 5000.. JESUS I was pissed..... but .. got back up.. did it again.. and BOOM..  DONE... and now I kinda find him easy as well .. because after I failed about 6 times .. I know know when his coming at me and I am able to freez myself .. so just pay attention . and you should be just FINE.


His not impossible .. just remember to Stun , Hold and Nuke the shit out of him... and it can be done . Cheers.






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