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Abuse of pvp clothes.


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Another solution to the problem is to implement a system that automatically scales high level players down when they have a PvP dobok equipped in certain areas. You have it equipped in Jadestone Village but are level 45? You get thrown down to level 20. Equipped it in the Scorching Sands? You are not level 26! With everything that 'scaling' implies: reduced HP, reduced stats and locked abilities.


Players who substract their fun out of harassing and annoying other players in an unfair field of PvP should NOT be supported by the game, the developers, or the community. It's a toxic attitude and defending okay spreads the toxicity all over the place until nobody cares about world PvP and instead just wait their turn to move to the most powerful faction so they can just be left alone. Which seems to be exactly what happened in certain servers, to surprise of absolutely nobody.

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