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Cross-server Dungeon AFK's


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I wholeheartedly agree to this 1000x. It is the most annoying thing when a random person just sits in the beginning and we have no way to kick them only to find that they were there the whole time just waiting for moonwater tears to drop so they can bid for it. Assholes. Also, would like to kick low levels who join the level 45 blue dungeons that die to just one mob. 

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It's been an issue with me as well.  I have had several groups with an "afk(s)" making my dungeon runs longer than they need to be. Not only that, they conveniently comeback when a valuable item drops.  It's not fair. :/  I know I can leave the group but I shouldn't need too every time there is someone afk. 

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I've also encountered the same situation for 3 different dungeons.

The first time I encountered the situation was during a Skittering Tunnels run.  We had a Destroyer that was afk and after waiting 5 minutes the party decided to go ahead without them.  It wasn't until the end of the dungeon when the Moonwater Tears came up for auction that our "afk" Destroyer decided to show up and bid 35 silver.  Another party member tried to keep auctioning against the Destroyer, but stopped the bid at 80 silver and let the Destroyer have it.  As soon as the auction was over with the Destroyer left the party.  Needless to say the one party member bidding against the Destroyer was highly upset that an afk got the loot when they didn't contribute.

The second time I encountered the situation was during a Hall of Ogong run.  We had a Ninja that was afk and again the party waited for about 5 minutes before going ahead without them.  Same thing happened with the Ninja miraculously not being "afk" when it came time to roll on Moonwater Tears and leaving the dungeon after winning the bid at 90 silver.  For the third time I encountered this situation was during a Pigsty run.  That time we had a Blademaster that was afk and the party waited for 10 minutes before going ahead without them.  Again the Blademaster miraculously showed up whenever it came time to roll on Moonwater Tears and won the bid for them at 1gold and 10 silver. 


I understand that you can leave the party and re-queue up again for the same dungeon, but it doesn't really resolve the issue itself.  All that does is let the people that go afk "win" and keep queuing up over and over to bid on one item and not contribute.  There's a vote kick option for a reason and I feel it should be used for more than offline members of a party.  This is my first time dealing with a vote kick option in a MMORPG that doesn't allow the vote kick option to be available for online members.  In other games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn/Heavensward, Tera, and etc. you were allowed to vote kick people that were afk, offline, not contributing, or harassing other members of a party.  If 3 other people voted "Yes" to remove this person from the group, they were removed and replaced with another member.

I feel that the Vote Kick system should be improved to be more like the following:
1) Allow a party member to be vote kicked for being afk, offline, toxic, or not contributing.  When a vote kick is initiated by someone in the party, 2 other party members (excluding the one being vote kicked) have to agree to vote kick that party member.  Once the vote kick is approved that party member gets kicked out of the party and immediately replaced by another player waiting in queue.  If the vote kick is not approved then allow 5 minutes after a fail vote kick to allow people to vote kick the person again.

2) Since people can abuse the following method above (for pre-made parties), implement an afk feature for people that are afk in dungeons.  If a party member is afk for 5 or 10 minutes, give them a warning message stating: "You have been inactive for <insert minutes>.  In order to not be kicked from the dungeon, please move your character <insert so many yalms, steps, feet, etc.>".  This method may only make it so that the people will move their character in one spot to not get flagged as afk, but I feel its a more "forgiving" method for people that have to go afk for emergencies.

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They could very easily put something in place like the field bosses have but just make it so you have to do so much damage or at least tag all the mini bosses to get to bid on stuff from the final boss and of course someone joining the dungeon at the last boss would still be allowed to bid. But would be easier to just let us kick people who don't contribute anything to the group and just sit at the entrance  and wait for the loot to pop up. 

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I petitioned about this, nearly every single blue dungeon I've been to recently going through cross-server has that one person that just afks or follows group and stands in the corner and then bids on everything. The kick vote should be functional even if they aren't offline. Or people that are doing it should get 3-day banned. This slows down groups and isn't fair on the players that actually have to do more work just to complete the dungeon. These afkers aren't my friends.... why do I want them to finish their daily and get to roll on the crap that drops when they haven't even participated? 


Heck, someone else suggested that if they don't do at least 1% to do boss they shouldn't get to roll or get credit for it. I agree with this, would prevent this or just make the kick function actually work.  I will keep petitioning and reporting these players. If enough people actually complain they might get around to fixing a broken system.

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You can add distance control. If they are not near the boss when killed boss, the drop will not work to them.

It works in some MMOs, if you are too far from the party group, you will not get loot.


You will forced fight with party to get the loot.

That is more fair.


Kick system is good idea, but can easy misused. I see the problem in Skyforge where member will kicked AT END of the dungeon so he wont get the loot so others can get it.

That is problem. So i vote more for distance control so you must near the boss.

Add damage control is also good idea, you must hit at least ~5% of boss HP to get the loot. So stand there for nothing will also not work.

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19 minutes ago, Xenosaga said:

You can add distance control. If they are not near the boss when killed boss, the drop will not work to them.

It works in some MMOs, if you are too far from the party group, you will not get loot.


You will forced fight with party to get the loot.

That is more fair.


Kick system is good idea, but can easy misused. I see the problem in Skyforge where member will kicked AT END of the dungeon so he wont get the loot so others can get it.

That is problem. So i vote more for distance control so you must near the boss.

Add damage control is also good idea, you must hit at least ~5% of boss HP to get the loot. So stand there for nothing will also not work.

Distance ok, but maybe not damage.  Think of a 20 getting put in a group of 45s who are doing a quick narrows for daily.  If they keep up and put in an effort, they should still get their bids in (and probably win everything since 45s don't need any of it).

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24 minutes ago, Xenosaga said:

You can add distance control. If they are not near the boss when killed boss, the drop will not work to them.

It works in some MMOs, if you are too far from the party group, you will not get loot.


You will forced fight with party to get the loot.

That is more fair.


Kick system is good idea, but can easy misused. I see the problem in Skyforge where member will kicked AT END of the dungeon so he wont get the loot so others can get it.

That is problem. So i vote more for distance control so you must near the boss.

Add damage control is also good idea, you must hit at least ~5% of boss HP to get the loot. So stand there for nothing will also not work.

No system is perfect, but at least in the cases where someone abuses the votekick to deny you access to loot (presuming you've contributed something) you can petition a GM and the offending party will most likely have his ill-gotten loot removed and account flagged.  And abusing the votekick in this way should be MUCH more rare than a single "AFK" player abusing the loot system, because votekick requires that the entire party be in on the scam and conspiracy can be easily proven.

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8 hours ago, InnocenceReborn said:

They could very easily put something in place like the field bosses have but just make it so you have to do so much damage or at least tag all the mini bosses to get to bid on stuff from the final boss and of course someone joining the dungeon at the last boss would still be allowed to bid. But would be easier to just let us kick people who don't contribute anything to the group and just sit at the entrance  and wait for the loot to pop up. 


This could easily be abused unfortunately.  I did a run the other night where I paused for like 5 seconds to use the dragonstone or whatever in the dungeon, and the group started the fight killing me by creating the fire barrier.  By this system, I would not be eligible for loot because I was killed by my own team starting the encounter early.


I could see people exploiting the same system by engaging bosses quickly to kill off other members before the fight begins allowing them to be the only ones eligible for the loot.  Especially in instances where they majorly over-gear the content and are farming for crafting mats - running ahead while loot is being voted on and starting the next boss encounter to put up the barrier and prevent the other players from contributing.


Vote Kick is a preferable solution, but also exploitable in the above situations, though it's not quite as easy to exploit.  If you already have 3 buddies to join with you to exploit the system, you could probably just run the dungeon without outside assistance anway.

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Majority vote, 4 out of 6, there.


It's way more likely to find ONE prick being a leecher and just waiting for the final drop than FOUR pricks in a premade who need 2 more pubs to finish a dungeon and then kick them before the boss dies.


Compromise, people.

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even leaving the dungeon doesnt guarantee you wont get another leecher again.

few days ago i was doing one of the daily crosserver dungeons and there was a guy who kept standing at the starting point. we decided to leave.

i searched for dungeon 2nd time and there was same guy again. 

task manager -> end process

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