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Cat Taunt Broken


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With the latest patch the Summoner's cats "Taunt" skill (Tier 3 Stage 2) in the "Crouching Tiger" tree appears to have been broken. Rather than taunting for the full duration of the crouch as it should, it appears to taunt once at the beginning and then stop.

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1 hour ago, Nebuchadnezzar said:

Game unplayable because they have to actually think how to dodge instead of facerolling while cat holds all aggro XD


Keep your rage and salty opinion out of this, please.

It wasn't in the patch, so we just need to know: It's a hidden nerf or a bug? You guys like to play salty with summoners, but think about your escape tools. We don't have Q or E to PVE. If the cat can't taunt anymore, fine. But, if it's a bug, it isn't fair to have it.

Like I said, keep you rage against summoner out of here, please.

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Was about to make a post, can confirm Doom n Bloom's heal is abysmal, you can especially see that when applying it on more targets, usually applying DnB to 5+ targets is insta full HP, now it gives you 1/2 if you're lucky. How do you mess up something like that?

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