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Allow us to turn off IP Confirmation


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There should be an option to disable this verification.


I don't know about everyone else, but I use a non-static IP address, and having to constantly check my email for not only logging in-game, but now for the forums as well, is very annoying. We already have a pin and password.

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Right, act like you did when you clearly suggested something that wouldn't fix the complaint.

That's fine if it's not your problem, just move along then. No worries. Not everyone uses static, though. So this extra security feature on top of two others is just annoying.

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Akamu, I don't have the same needs for a non-static IP as you, but I have the same issues. I check the forums and site on my phone at home and at work, and even with the security of a password, which Google Chrome saves for me, I keep needing to verify my IP at both locations. Also, having to input my age EVERY time, even after my password is entered and accepted. The site is so poorly designed that my account info isn't remembering that I'm old enough to use the site and forums AND it never remembers my IP. I don't even have a wi-fi connection at work, so the IP it doesn't recognize is the 4G network IP that is all but non-static between the two locations I access my account from. Sorry you had to put up with a busy body moron who offered a solution that didn't fix your issue. I would name them, but I can't do that under NCSoft's Nazi forum regime.

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3 hours ago, Shunaia said:

Akamu, I don't have the same needs for a non-static IP as you, but I have the same issues. I check the forums and site on my phone at home and at work, and even with the security of a password, which Google Chrome saves for me, I keep needing to verify my IP at both locations. Also, having to input my age EVERY time, even after my password is entered and accepted. The site is so poorly designed that my account info isn't remembering that I'm old enough to use the site and forums AND it never remembers my IP. I don't even have a wi-fi connection at work, so the IP it doesn't recognize is the 4G network IP that is all but non-static between the two locations I access my account from. Sorry you had to put up with a busy body moron who offered a solution that didn't fix your issue. I would name them, but I can't do that under NCSoft's Nazi forum regime.

It's just frustrating when you type less than 100 words and people offer you a solution as if you were a moron. xD

Back on topic: I personally have a non-static because it's simply the result of using my phone as a router, which has the good internet. My home internet has around 800 ping, so as you can imagine, I usually opt for my phone. Sadly, the IP changes almost every single time I login. Now I've noticed the forums doing it too.

All I'm really asking for is a toggle. If I'm a very small number of people who want this, I understand it probably won't be implemented. It's not much to ask for a toggle, though. I'll accept the "risk" that come associated with it.

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27 minutes ago, Chesnya said:

and i'll give you a moment to cry more, I read them, not my problem you use that. 


You either didn't read his post or don't understand what a "static IP" is.

Also, for example in Germany, dynamic IPs are not a choice, they're a standard.


Frankly, the forced IP protection is terrible and is an issue that needs to be fixed. They really should either give us an option to disable it (account is protected by password, e-mail and pin. IP protection is not necessary period), or make it check your region instead (e.g. no logins into a German account from China without e-mail verification).

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Thanks for the support so far. Vexe, I like that idea as well. It'd make more sense if one minute somebody in the US is on an account and the next somebody in China is trying to get on, but the way it's currently setup, I can imagine this being annoying even if you're at a friends place, or what have you.

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I feel your frustration, i had this a while back with another game they had. I had router problems and pretty much daily i had to restart it making a new ip address every time. 

Still, i have to say it, the pin is not a secure thing to have. If you contact costumer support they usually reset your pin with not much of a hassle. Don't trust the pin as a secure thing to have. 


Good thing, they agree the launcher is bad and they did say its outdated (They mention on the official stream a while back) lets hope they change the ip confirmation from mandatory to something optional with the update at least...

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1 hour ago, Akamu said:

There should be an option to disable this verification.


I don't know about everyone else, but I use a non-static IP address, and having to constantly check my email for not only logging in-game, but now for the forums as well, is very annoying. We already have a pin and password.

I agree.

In fact as a programmer and administrator I can not fathom how anybody would ever think about using the IP adress to identify a computer.

The IP adress was not intended to identify a computer back when it was developed and we still had Adress Classes. And that age is gone for 3 decades by now.


The average home router get's a new IP adress every 24 hours. An IP adress every computer on teh same router share.
The provider forces a disconnect and all my router can do is pre-empt it to avoid running into timeouts.

Thanks to carrier grade NAT I can't even be certain the same IP/Port pair is used during that 24 hour "connected" phase (but apparently the assignment is a bit lazy/conservative, or we would get more disconnects)


Cookies for Webbrowser have been invented because it is absolutely ludicrious to try to identify one computer via IP adress. Or even IP/Port pair. Every other MMO clietn I know just stores something on the computer.


1 hour ago, Chesnya said:

uh what. Just press " save my I.P" when you login, i've only had to do this like 4 x total over 3yrs from AION to BnS

Wich works exactly for 24 hours. When my Router (like every other router on the planet) get's a new IP address. You know, how the internet has worked for the last 30 Years.

And static IP adresses cost money. A LOT of money. So much money only people who need a server reachable from the internet would ever consider getting one (and with DNS even that one does not have to be entirely statically).

How can you be smart enough to run a webserver, yet be so utterly ignorant about how Routers work for 99.99% of every person using the internet? Or are you just using someones realy expensive setup with static IP adress and are totally ignorant about how reality works?

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18 minutes ago, zgrssd said:

I agree.

In fact as a programmer and administrator I can not fathom how anybody would ever think about using the IP adress to identify a computer.

The IP adress was not intended to identify a computer back when it was developed and we still had Adress Classes. And that age is gone for 3 decades by now.


The average home router get's a new IP adress every 24 hours. An IP adress every computer on teh same router share.
The provider forces a disconnect and all my router can do is pre-empt it to avoid running into timeouts.

Thanks to carrier grade NAT I can't even be certain the same IP/Port pair is used during that 24 hour "connected" phase (but apparently the assignment is a bit lazy/conservative, or we would get more disconnects)


Cookies for Webbrowser have been invented because it is absolutely ludicrious to try to identify one computer via IP adress. Or even IP/Port pair. Every other MMO clietn I know just stores something on the computer.


Wich works exactly for 24 hours. When my Router (like every other router on the planet) get's a new IP address. You know, how the internet has worked for the last 30 Years.

And static IP adresses cost money. A LOT of money. So much money only people who need a server reachable from the internet would ever consider getting one (and with DNS even that one does not have to be entirely statically).

How can you be smart enough to run a webserver, yet be so utterly ignorant about how Routers work for 99.99% of every person using the internet? Or are you just using someones realy expensive setup with static IP adress and are totally ignorant about how reality works?

In the UK static IP addresses (or at least >6 month DHCP leases - effectively making your IP static) are common place. Just wanted to throw that out there as the dickhead who posted originally is likely using a long lease dynamic IP as opposed to a "super expensive" static IP.


@OP: Yes we should have the option to disable it, wouldn't be a lot of work from NCSoft to do this either, probably less than 1 hour for a dev to code it.

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3 hours ago, TehKonijn said:

In the UK static IP addresses (or at least >6 month DHCP leases - effectively making your IP static) are common place. Just wanted to throw that out there as the dickhead who posted originally is likely using a long lease dynamic IP as opposed to a "super expensive" static IP.


@OP: Yes we should have the option to disable it, wouldn't be a lot of work from NCSoft to do this either, probably less than 1 hour for a dev to code it.

I'll interpret this as support. xD


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20 minutes ago, TehKonijn said:

In the UK static IP addresses (or at least >6 month DHCP leases - effectively making your IP static) are common place. Just wanted to throw that out there as the dickhead who posted originally is likely using a long lease dynamic IP as opposed to a "super expensive" static IP.


@OP: Yes we should have the option to disable it, wouldn't be a lot of work from NCSoft to do this either, probably less than 1 hour for a dev to code it.

Interesting, I live in germany (on of the richest EU countries) and we don't have anything like that. Actually it is wierd that they do it at all - they could propably make more money leasing out 3/4 of thier adress space to every other provider on the planet and just use Carrier Grade NAT.

About the only reason IPv6 is not getting ahead I can think of is of the providers making too much money of those static/long lease IP adresses. I mean they can charge a permium for it


About the difficulty to code it:

Actually it is a bit longer then 1 hour. Turning a "whitelisted IP adresses" mechanic into a proper session mechanic takes some time. But it is entirely possible. Some changes to the DB and longin code are nessesary. A little string stored somewhere in Appdata or the User folders (guaranteed write rights).

A minor downside would be that then we need to authenticate once for the client and for each different browser, but at least that authentication would last until we use another user account.


Of course it could be they are trying to wait until IPv6 finally becomes common. Then we again have enough IP adresses that everyone can get a fixed one. Indeed we then have enough we don't need routers and private networks anymore. And then the IP whitelisting system would be better again. But I don't see that happening before we got working Fusion reactors.

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3 hours ago, Kaom said:

Wait so disabling the authenticate option in your NCSOFT profile wouldn't work ? It's somewhere in your NCSOFT profile , take a look there .


It is not in game .


This allows modifying current permitted IPs, not removing the requirement.

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Where's the protection in this?

I'm logging in forums via my work VPN network which routes me via London, UK. They are sending me a verification code based on UK IP. Some minutes later I'm home and logging in from a DE IP. Yeah system, do you even recognize that I can't travel in 10 min from the UK to DE? If this really were a protection program, some locks should've snapped. I tell you what it is: a scapegoat system. In any case you'd been hacked, they can blame everything on you as they send over a verification code to your e-mail.


So if you gonna give the players the blame, just do it open and do away with the useless IP verification. Even my bank doesn't use such a complicated security system and has never been hacked for years.


... I hope this thread doesn't backfire and tomorrow we will have Iris scans and voice verifications to log into forums ...

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3 hours ago, Celestine said:

Where's the protection in this?

I'm logging in forums via my work VPN network which routes me via London, UK. They are sending me a verification code based on UK IP. Some minutes later I'm home and logging in from a DE IP. Yeah system, do you even recognize that I can't travel in 10 min from the UK to DE? If this really were a protection program, some locks should've snapped. I tell you what it is: a scapegoat system. In any case you'd been hacked, they can blame everything on you as they send over a verification code to your e-mail.


So if you gonna give the players the blame, just do it open and do away with the useless IP verification. Even my bank doesn't use such a complicated security system and has never been hacked for years.


... I hope this thread doesn't backfire and tomorrow we will have Iris scans and voice verifications to log into forums ...

I doubt it'll backfire. And yeah, I've played MMO's for a decade now and never been hacked in those games. They only had a pin and a password.

Either way, all I'm asking for is at least a toggle. I sincerely think it's a small request that could only benefit players.

Thanks for the support! If we get enough replies, maybe they'll look at this. 

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