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[Quest Bug] [Daily] Enroaching Shadow (Yehara's Mirage)


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This quest is clearly complete, but the city isn't turning back to normal.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Accept the quest like normal, NPC requests your help to fend off the Shadowless and light the fires.

2. Fight Lady Nightshade

3. Let NPC die

4. Receive your quest rewards???

5. NPC respawns inside the instance, play until the scene with the fight against Lady Nightshade

6. Defeat Lady Nightshade

7. Receive your quest rewards

8. NPC respawns? why?

9. Play quest again, defeat Lady Nightshade

10. Receive your daily rewards a third time???

11. Watch the NPC walk away...

12. Receive daily rewards fourth time???

13. ... still waiting for the sky to turn back to normal and all the regular NPCs to reappear.

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