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Blade Dancer random immunity?


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I HOPE other people have noticed this bug abusing shit with these blade dancers, after they do an aerial combo, they become immune and can only AUTO attack. As a diamond player, I know the difference with their immunity spells, this is not to be confused with their spin; spinning sword or their spinning sword resist buff. It ONLY happens after an aerial combo. They normally try to do it when they have no spells left just to wait out their cds. You'll see them auto attack away and face only one direction, being unable to turn because this is clearly a BUG. Once they have something back, the only way to get out of that bug is to cast something.


Honorable mentions seen using this:






I've posted about this on the forums before, other people have said something about it from these same people. This is not an 'ability', it is a bug and it's being exploited.

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