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Does anyone know the R7260x settings for a good FPS?


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Hey guys. So, I've been facing a big problem in BNS, which is the constant FPS drop with R7 260x. I wanted to know if anybody knows a way to reduce this, making the game more fluid, 'cause I don't want to play it on Low with a video card that supports Full.



R7 260X 2 GB msi clocked 
Processor I3 4150

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Are you 100% certain the game is run on the right GPU? You got a I3, so you might suffer from the issue of the AMD control programm assigning the wrong GPU all along. It's a thing we new games and for some reason applies to B&S, despite it being out for some time in Korea.


When and how are you getting FPS drops?

It could have nothing to do with the GPU, but with a CPU or RAM bottleneck disrupting the rendering.

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On 11/02/2016 at 0:59 AM, zgrssd said:

Are you 100% certain the game is run on the right GPU? You got a I3, so you might suffer from the issue of the AMD control programm assigning the wrong GPU all along. It's a thing we new games and for some reason applies to B&S, despite it being out for some time in Korea.


When and how are you getting FPS drops?

It could have nothing to do with the GPU, but with a CPU or RAM bottleneck disrupting the rendering.


I have suffered a great loss when FPS has a wide frequency players (Mainly in DG's), however it happens sometimes also when road very fast camera.

However I see in Task Manager and the CPU usage is at most 30% and the use of RAM in 85 ~ 90%. Can be the factor of my memory is 4 GB and have to be very old?

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