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How to fight vs a summoner as KFM?


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I am having a impossibly hard time winning against the summoner matchup. I try to grapple mez the cat for 30 seconds, then i  have the summoner basically attacking me on top of his cat so I cant open up with any stuns without breaking my cc. this leaves me punching away and using single target attacks but its too little compared to the burst. Any tips or advice?

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As a KFM i'd recommend just going straight for the summoner. KFM has a lot of mobility and the summoner has very limited CC, he can't actually CC you before your mobilities are back up. A summoner can get out of your CC twice (20-30 seconds of cooldown on their evade). Once their Defensives are down they're basically fodder for you, as you can burst them from 100% to 0% in one combo. 


I'd like to say that i personally don't play KFM, this is all coming from a summoner's point of view. 

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Deseo check out Jaesung's twitch and youtube he's been running KFM in NA. He's got a handful of matches vs summoners, they arent really highlighted but skimming through his recent streams and youtube videos you can follow his matches and see how he approached them.

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