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I agree Lord. Soulstones need to be obtainable in more areas of the game. it's the big limiting factor in end game progression atm. You can raid all you want, run blackram's until your blue in the face, and you won't get one single soulstone unless you do PvP. 


Which can be a bear if your on a server where there's a drastic imbalance in fractions. Like on Old Man Cho...the only players you really see doing any PvP is red. red dominates in huge ways. So unless your on red side, you'll be buying your soulstones off the market.


accessibility is the key. you can't lock access to game critical items to only a specific fraction of the playerbase, and a specific playstyle. Don't get me wrong...I got smart and went red, so i have no issues myself. but it's bad design. Soulstones need to be achievable in both PvE and PvP. Some folks plain don't want to have to PvP all the time just to get their weapons upgraded.

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