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Status Quo for OW PVP?


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I use that term loosely, as it seems too many are only interested in griefing, not actual pvp. Should I expect faction warfare to basically just not be worth doing at all? As it seems people are only interested in engaging if they can zerg people, or when putting inordinate amounts of effort into elaborate griefing plans.

(And I've played pvp MMOs going back to Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot, among others)


My experience at my first Blackwyrm tonight was probably the worst experience I've ever had in a pvp game. As others have undoubtedly experienced: The enemy faction (Crims) were employing a flagged and unflagged summoner to repeatedly divebomb the raid and taunt the boss to spread poison. On top of that, they also had a destroyer similarly striking immediately after the unavoidable daze the boss does in order to wipe out most of the raid with ragewhirling.


What made it especially pathetic was that you have virtually no recourse against it. They glide in from their respawn nest, which we cannot get to... then wallwalk up the tree at the edge of the cliff to gain distance. They are too high to touch with any grip skills until they choose to drop in ... at that moment mentioned above. Not to mention the way targeting is handled in the game, you almost cannot target him directly at close range, because the boss gets overwhelming priority... which are most of your good CC abilities.


The predictable conclusion of course, is that I didn't even get credit for the kill despite being there an hour. And I wasn't loading or corpse running when the boss died either.

The entire experience was awful and pretty much the most pathetic display of griefing cowardice I've ever seen.

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 Never seen the point of Open World Pvp, and in this game is even more irritating.


 Being Faction Daylies the main source of Soulstones, most of us who wants to improve the gear have to make those quests daily. And 95% of the time a group of 2-3 players from rival faction are chasing and ambushing individual farmers. Even when farming Insignias at Rival Camp, from time to time a Destroyer or FM starts doing AoE when boss appears. Oh yeah, really funny...  


 Then i read in forums that owpvpers just look for challenging situations of 1v3, unexpected attacks, etc.


 I wonder if real owpvpers (if they exist) could create a Meeting Point, a place where to meet and fight with owpvpers from rival faction. So this way we can really see how many owpvpers there are and how many coward and cheap farmerchasers there are.



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I haven't tried yet blackwyrm but did once the misty faction dailies and done more than once the faction dailies from lowest area to misty area.. cept one or 2 times that people were really farming the rival faction players in spot where npc of their faction spwns in camp and they just kill em over and over again unless the poor player decides to take off his faction cloths :\ 

cept for one or 2 incidents where rival faction player tried kill me or killed me while was farming or talking to faction npc... and even then, 1 of them times I attacked them first .. I haven't really encountered any jerks that just enjoys killing or even farming poorly-geared players and be a bully o.o

and now that I've decided main my kfm... and dinged 45 right before maint started :D.. 

I will try my luck in faction dailies o.o

I DO agree thou that the targeting system should change or atleast let us have a "lock on target" key or make marking more than just a visible thing so we will be able target the right target or the target we want/need when we in crowded mob/player areas ... it helps in tactics as well.


and back for the subject - I DO like owpvp in general but if they jump you more than 1 on 1 like atleast 2 on 1 it's not fair and pretty much lowers your will to owpvp :\

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Op you kinda have to expect that in a pvp zone, the problem in this scenario is despite having spent a hour hitting the dragon you got no loot (which is horrible game design). They should up the damage req to be elgible for lewts (by a lot, 1% is no more than tagging) and get rid of the you die you start over at 0 aspect of the fight. 

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55 minutes ago, Shorsh said:

So you want opposing faction to sit there and watch you kill the dragon?

Makes sense. Or are you just upset because you wasted an hour and got nothing for your time?




What part of what they did involved pvp? They never actually fought us. They exploited the fact the respawn watchtower is untouchable to glide in immune to retribution and kamikaze people. To say nothing of the unflagged summoner taunting. The destroyer was able to just repeatedly do this and kill probably a dozen+ people at a time without any effort. Inviting this sort of 'tactic' and condoning it just ruins the game for everyone. It just promotes other people to ALSO do the very same bad behavior and just make faction "warfare" cancer for everyone.


52 minutes ago, KatHead said:

Op you kinda have to expect that in a pvp zone, the problem in this scenario is despite having spent a hour hitting the dragon you got no loot (which is horrible game design). They should up the damage req to be elgible for lewts (by a lot, 1% is no more than tagging) and get rid of the you die you start over at 0 aspect of the fight. 


You don't start at 0 just by dying. You only (theoretically) lose credit if you are loading or in the middle of running back from respawning when the boss dies and haven't yet "tagged up" on the boss to re-establish your credit. Supposedly NCsoft has admitted this lack of credit problem is a bug, but who knows when they will ever get around to fixing it.

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OWPvP has always been and will continue to be cancer, especially in this game. I personally find all this faction thing a complete BS which just encourages needless hostility and general hate in players against those "blue ga ys" or the "crimson tards" etc. Really? Serves no purpose...

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OWPvP in games didn't always use to be like this :D
In older games people actually stayed flagged, didn't grief (too much) and fought/sparred people their own level/skill bracket. Games just make it easier to grief without consequences, where as games like Lineage/PWI allowed those who griefed (or PvP'd in general) to lose items off their char if they died themselves. There was no hiding in towns unless you wanted to die by a guard, you had no safe-zone and the only way to not die was to log off or farm off the infamy.

I do wish they added more risk, only reason why I'm even bothering to play BDO because of the karma system, I enjoy the fact that I can be seen for who I am to an NPC and even targeted for being that type of player!

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9 hours ago, Rhazes said:

Change to Crimson. Even if the npc says no keep trying it took me 4 times before I switched to Crimson and now I can do BW and terror all day as Crimson with little to no pvp.


 Why would I want to join the side that has cancerous players like that? I don't want to be associated with that garbage.

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