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High ping in Arena servers. NCSoft please reply.


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NCsoft please answer on this, multiple people got the same question.

Hello, I just noticed that 99% of my abilities has a slight delay, checked ping and found it it was over 200, peaking at 225 at most. In open world I got usually around 20-30ms. 

My location is Norway, I got a 100/100 fiber line, so that should not be the problem. Been stalking forum awhile and I can see that it's rumoured that the server is located in NA, NCSoft, if it really is like this, can you tell us if it's going to be like this forever, or are you planning to switch it or make it better? Because right now, everything above Plat is unplayable for me, having a 0,5-1second delay is a huge deal in this game.

If it's going to continue like this, then I either just reroll to KR servers, same ping there.

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+5 billion to this forum >_>


There is no way that it is on the player end when this many people are complaining about the same thing (not just talking about this forum, seen TONS more). Probably just some cheap ass typical F2P game move where they load the servers with way more than they can handle cause they don't wanna pay for more servers. Aaaaannnd we probably won't ever hear from them about it. They can't add latency tracker in game Krical! Obviously! If they did that there would be an outrage that NCSOFT fix their servers and they are far too busy charging you $95 dollars for full inventory slots to do that! Silly!

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Same issue here. 240 latency  The resource monitor is showing when in Arena for me, That's not very accurate but considering it doubles as soon as I step foot in arena and can barely get any combos off I'd say it's relevant.

When in open world it spikes from 40-110. I'm in EU and get a 35-40 ms ping to frankfurt..  Would love a reply on this, where exactly are the servers located? did you guys cheap out and try to share us with a data centre in U.S or something?  

If so that's kinda ridiculous.  About to quit the game it's unplayable.. I main a KFM :(



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Im not sure that they´ll actually fix or answer this question because you can find plenty of the same thread, none of them has been answered. I still dont have any clue how people competed the esl tournement. 

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6 hours ago, Raidann said:

Same issue here. 240 latency  The resource monitor is showing when in Arena for me, That's not very accurate but considering it doubles as soon as I step foot in arena and can barely get any combos off I'd say it's relevant.

When in open world it spikes from 40-110. I'm in EU and get a 35-40 ms ping to frankfurt..  Would love a reply on this, where exactly are the servers located? did you guys cheap out and try to share us with a data centre in U.S or something?  

If so that's kinda ridiculous.  About to quit the game it's unplayable.. I main a KFM :(



The server is not located in Eu, instead they put it in Austin US

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Dont think the arena servers are located in germany, because i am from germany and i have 220+ ping too (when Oracle says that i have 20ms to Frankfurt).
We will wait until 1 week after 10.02 patch if they dont fix this issue till then, or at least reply, me and my friends will quit BnS.

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On 2/9/2016 at 11:36 PM, LittleBritches said:

+5 billion to this forum >_>


There is no way that it is on the player end when this many people are complaining about the same thing (not just talking about this forum, seen TONS more). Probably just some cheap ass typical F2P game move where they load the servers with way more than they can handle cause they don't wanna pay for more servers. Aaaaannnd we probably won't ever hear from them about it. They can't add latency tracker in game Krical! Obviously! If they did that there would be an outrage that NCSOFT fix their servers and they are far too busy charging you $95 dollars for full inventory slots to do that! Silly!


I dont think this is the case, in open world content (blackwyrm for example) I stay at my normal 70 ping. In all versions (that I have been in) of instanced content I stay at my normal 70 ping. In arena I have massive lag, to the point I cant finish a blade master air combo on a target that is already airborne (ffs we are talking about 1 left click here). 


The tech to make large scale open world pvp work is more difficult than the tech to make instanced 1 v 1 arena work. This is why I do not understand why this has not been fixed, this should be easy to detect and fix. 


Is it a routing problem ?


Are the arena servers in a different physical location than the main game (I doubt it) ?


This should have been addressed already as it has been a problem since release. There at least needs to be some type of communication on the matter.

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Hello, Im here to help you. Im old mmo player and I first time see such bad service.

I have the same problem like all here.

Only high ping in Arena and often in cross-server dungeon. 

Im going to say you that I just changed all stuff in my house - ultra fast computer, new cables, modem/router. I put TCPAckFequency in my registry. I called X times my internet provider to fix my connection and now my internet works as good as never before.

And what? Arena is still laggy :D no doubt that the problem isn't coming out from players. 

Distance from the server? It can be a problem but this is not a solution.

B&S stuff just turned ON their servers and they are happy that they works, but they don't care about how players connect to the server.

Definitely there is problem with routing to the server.

Of course that this problem isn't their fault, because thats how internet works, but sad true is that they are the only one who can help here.

And... as long they will be fat, lazy, greedy developers, as long we will have lags in Arena.

Sad is that they will be always fat, lazy and greedy. There is only one hope - strike them hard with heavy hammer to move their fat asses and maybe then they will start thinking about it. So the only one way is to spam forum with this and sends as many tickets as we can.

But from my personal experience as mmo player, nothing will change at all, you will quit faster than you think.

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