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Ability to create rank in a clan


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So, having pre-made ranks inside of the clan to promote people, but only having 5 of them makes it difficult to manage once the clan is a higher level.  Having the ability to make your own named ranks could help with organization of the clan, and giving certain members titles so newer players know who they are in the clan.  Also including an ability to track who has donated what and how much of said item would help quite a bit so if someone is slacking the leaders of the clan can find out whats going on and why they havent been able to donate.  Increasing the amount of characters for the notice board on the clan home screen when you push the H key would make it easier to be able to tell more people about your clan and what you stand for, or be able to include a list of rules that the clan should follow.

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Having lead a NA server ranked legion on Aion for a few years, I think this is a damn fine idea; with the ability to create ranks and select which permissions each rank gets. It also gives people incentive to climb up in the ranks, thus promoting teamwork and communication etc.

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