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More localization bugs!


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Hey, guys!

I'll get right down to the localization issues:

1.  Tag Team match win

When you win a Tag Team match, at the end it says "Duel Won!". Which doesn't really make sense, because a duel is between two people, while tag teams consist of a total of six members.

2. Chapter 1: The Road to Darkness

The quest tracking on the sidebar states: "Read Yura's letter". If you click the letter, it says "< Letter from Yuran >". Different name, obviously, just making sure to make what's wrong obvious.

P. S. As a general side note you guys really need to make some actual reporting guidelines, because people seem to have no idea how a forum works. Not only are many of the users using foul language, but they make posts without including proper information or with just pointless title names like "Help me pls".

Additionally if you require any sort of help on this part, I volunteer to assist.

Thanks and have a great day!

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