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Is there a weapon feeding guide to reduce the feeding cost?


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I recommend salvaging weapons and transmuting the dust into elements. This can be done by opening the inventory and selecting the transmute bottom of the bag. It seems expensive at first (costing 50s + 15 shards I believe) however when it costs 12s to put in a single weapon at times for not that much exp, this method is pretty cost effective. Each element will give roughly 80-90% of the weapon exp bar and only costs 1c to infuse.


You can farm weapons by doing dungeons. Most people will pass on blue gear so you can snipe it for a couple copper. Do all the blue dungeons once a day and you'll be finished in a couple of days.

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One thing I've found that gives a lot of savings is using the Heroic weapons from ToE. They give a lot of weapon XP and they cost you maybe 2s at the most when you get up towards the first level of Profane. This is the same thing I did for accessories as well. The Heroic offering items for levels 1-50 cost way, way less, on top of not require soulstones, etc, for the feed. I saw it mentioned in a guide a while back and I'm glad that I did, hah.


Once you reach Profane, going the element route mentioned above will be the best way to go, though I'm just starting that up myself and I'm not sure if there's a failure chance or not, which could become pretty annoying.

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Never ever go the element route. I have an Awakened Siren and I wasted 2.5g for transmute (failed twice +soulstone price) and salvaged 10 blue weapons wasting keys to get the powder. It brought me only from +1 to +1 80% (yeah). Later I bought 15 Brightstone and Cold Iron weps for 3-4s, and managed to get to +4 60% and it cost me 2g.

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