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Leave before bid end = no paying


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Dont rly known is t bug, but i think it should be fixed/changed.


I met many players which bid items just to get gold, and when no one wanna bid anymore, they just leave, so they dont need to pay. This way they dont get item, but dont pay gold which they set, and no one get gold. Theyir bid is still set as max, and if someone wanna get this item he need to pay more. I think this should be fixed, like:


1) Dont allow player with highest bid leave dungeon till bid end


2) If player with highest bid leave dungeon bid go back to last one before this which leaver set.


3) bid start from start


personally i think 1) way will be best. this way trolls which wanna just bid items to get gold gonna be punished if it dont work and players decide to withdraw from bid.

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Problem with your first option would be for example:


A decent item comes on and everyone starts spamming bid ( Not trolls ) they just spam because they want it and everyone will just click bid.

But hang on, mr troll comes along while everyone is spamming and puts in 5 gold, now everyone has just spammed after that and some poor sod has got a 5+ gold bid, which they did not want to spend on that item.

So if they can't quickly leave the zone to cancel their bid, they have just been screwed over by the troll.


So as you can see that would not work, however, if they added a time limit between bids, say 2-4s delay before someone else can bid, then this would avoid that issue, but it would make the process 2-4x slower than it already is, so I don't think many would agree with that timer.


2 wouldn't work because of the above also, since loads of people spammed bids when the troll did, they all have an insane bid.


3 Could work, but it also makes the bidding slower, so not many would agree to this either.




Unfortuently there isn't alot that can be done to stop trolls with this system, the only way would be removing it and just going need vs greed or class based or roll based.

But I don't think anyone wants that + we can't make gold from those who bid and it's one of the best ways to make gold in this game after dailys.




One way that could potentially put trolls off bidding high amounts would be a flag system, for example:


Item has a bid of 50 copper and the next bid is 1 gold = most likely a troll.

The system would flag that player as a potential troll and put a mark on their character, if the character consistantly gets flagged within a certain timeframe then they would get a ban for 3 days or whatever is deemed reasonable.


But what if that player really wanted the item and were willing to pay that amount ?

Well I doubt they would do it 4 or 5 times over a day or two, so those who bid because they really want it, would not be banned.


So for instance, if the flags troll timer lasted for 2 days and you needed a total of 5 flags to be banned, only those who get 5 in 2 days would be banned, if you only had 4 and 2 days went by, those flags would be removed.




That's the only way I can think of as a deterant against trolls, but it's still not thought out enough to be used just like that and there's still the issue of getting ncsoft to pay the developers to add such a system, very unlikely :)

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1/ is the best solution I think. That's how eBay works: you bid, you have to pay if you win.

And it's the only way to get rid of trolls...


8 minutes ago, Tsukei said:


A decent item comes on and everyone starts spamming bid ( Not trolls ) they just spam because they want it and everyone will just click bid.

But hang on, mr troll comes along while everyone is spamming and puts in 5 gold, now everyone has just spammed after that and some poor sod has got a 5+ gold bid, which they did not want to spend on that item.

So if they can't quickly leave the zone to cancel their bid, they have just been screwed over by the troll.


People just have to learn to be careful when they make a bid...

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But that won't happen will it, it's human nature.

You see something you want right in front of you and your first reaction is GRAB IT ! MINE !  xD

First option will not work as I stated above, it would just cause trolls to make other players even more worse off.

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Oh also just found a major flaw in it also, if you block people from moving zone and force them to pay, what about those who just log off, it takes a few seconds at most to log off and if they just cancel the process it will cut them out instantly, not sure how long the character would stay online for, but I doubt the bidding system would even notice that player exists if they logged off during a dungeon, they could also leave the party and yet again this will just cancel their bid, there are countless ways to troll people in a dungeon, you can't stop it, the only feasible option is the flag system I mentioned, but that relies upon ncsofts penny pinching wallet :)

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The bidding could still be validated server side, even if the trolling player has logged out.

As for people bidding over trolls... they just have not to be dumb enough to do it... Natural selection will do its thing.

And if people know they can be forced to pay if they troll... they will stop.


Again, there's a reason why most auction sites work that way: it just works...

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I think number 2 would be a good way, so the troll leaving won't prevent others from getting the item and it doesn't force a longer timer to close the bid. This also makes it possible for one who accidentally bid after the troll to renounce the bid, sure he will lose the item, but that's not nearly as harsh to losing to much gold imo. As for those who spam bid at the beginning, well that's entirely their fault, since the price could be upped a lot even from someone who actually wants to bid a high price to win surely, you should first check you can afford the current bid and willing to pay that price before clicking the damn button.

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2 hours ago, ShakaAlek said:

As for those who spam bid at the beginning, well that's entirely their fault, since the price could be upped a lot even from someone who actually wants to bid a high price to win surely, you should first check you can afford the current bid and willing to pay that price before clicking the damn button.


My point exactly, thanks :)

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41 minutes ago, Samyaza said:

Anyone who sneaks in 1g+ bid on those 2x Moonwater tears is a troll, that's a fact. Current system is flawed, but well just don't spam bids.

Exactly, don't spam bids. I had a guy up the bid by 5g once, but nobody was so bad to spam and the guy who bid 5g had to suck it up and pay, and that was awesome. He probably didn't know he could exit the dungeon to avoid paying, cause he stayed.
All systems have some kind of flaw, I don't mind this bid one too much cause it helps me get some money, which is not exactly easy even doing all endgame dailys.

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