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Blade Master Tank


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Hello Cruman,


in Blade and Soul Blade Master and Kung Fu Master are the only two classes, who can skill additional threat. But to hold the enemy you actually also need some damage. A must have as tank are the following skills:


Cyclone Tier 2 Form 2 for a 30 sec buff which increases threat by 150%, so you dont actually have to do as much damage as the "true" damage dealers, it also hase good focus regen (Tier 3 Form 2 for an additional iframe, but this one is actually hard to use)

Five Point Strike Tier 2 Form 3 generates massive ammounts of threat, 300% on its own, combine it with the previous 150% from Cyclone and you will be set and done (Tier 3 Form 3 for an additional iframe, this one i recomment to take)

Block Tier 3 Form 3 this is really good, sword shroud is a f-key use after just the use of block (it has not to actually to block something) it gives an immunity field with 5m radius (internal cooldown of 45 seconds) so it is a group iframe

Evade Tier 1 Form 1 iframe + it switches to draw stance


for other useful skils:

Breeze Tier 4 Form 3

Multislash Tier 2 Form 2 and following (it the second Form of Rush) it sets your rush on a 45 sec cooldown but its and iframe

Dragontongue (Honed Slash Tier 2 Form 3) 4 uses after activating draw stance it does good damage and costs no focus

Singing Lark (Pierce Tier 3 Form 3) frontal aoe damage with health recovery


also learn to use your blindside (Q and E) 


i hope that gives you a starting point.


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Hello Keramond,


Thanks for the reply and your time. My play style is support ( Healer or Tank ) I really do not like to do dmg on enemies.

I really want something very strong defensive ( spec and soul shield )  I will test whatever you say and i will come to you.




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There are no real tanks/healers in this game. There are just classes with high threat and a couple more dodges with low cooldown defensive skills. Your job as a "tank" in this game is actually the most difficult role in the game once you get to endgame. After all, just about everything 2 shots.


However, if you want to try...

This spec would be a good starting place. Stat wise, you're still going to want to build like a dps. Evasion will mostly just cover your mistakes and are not crucial, while Block and Defense will really only help against attacks that pierce, but your natural healing should take care of that(especially if you have a summoner in the party). Endgame soulshield wise you'll want Moonwater Arena 1-5 with Blackram Supply(purple) 6-8 with everything fused with at least elite crit from e fleet. This will give you a large hp pool with enough accuracy to hit everything.

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Just a Question. why Dragontongue?

For DPS i really like the Dragontongue + Flicker T4 F3 combo.

But isn't Honored Slash T2 F1 + Flicker T4 F1 combo better?

I think thats a higher burstDMG and since we have to block attacks it should serve better for tanking.

What do you think?

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8 minutes ago, Cadencia said:


Just a Question. why Dragontongue?

For DPS i really like the Dragontongue + Flicker T4 F3 combo.

But isn't Honored Slash T2 F1 + Flicker T4 F1 combo better?

I think thats a higher burstDMG and since we have to block attacks it should serve better for tanking.

What do you think?

Dragontongue is great for burst scenarios when the enemy is cc'd and you can repeatedly enter draw stance. As a tank, your options for utilizing dragontongue are limited as you typically can not give up evade and blindside on a whim. I would absolutely recommend AGAINST taking this as a tank.

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yeah sure that works fine too. there is no one right way, only the 3 first mentioned skills are absolutely mandatory, i prefer dt over the first stage, because my crit is still not high enough (currently unbuffed at 29%) and i am not good at keeping a good focus/damage balance ;)

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2 minutes ago, Keramond said:

yeah sure that works fine too. there is no one right way, only the 3 first mentioned skills are absolutely mandatory, i prefer dt over the first stage, because my crit is still not high enough (currently unbuffed at 29%) and i am not good at keeping a good focus/damage balance ;)

Between Tier 4 Stage 3 Sundering Strike, Cyclone, and Tier 3 Stage 1 Lunar Slash you should never find yourself lacking focus.

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8 hours ago, Cadencia said:


Whats do you skill? I usually tank with this:



Iam really curious about other tankbuilds :)

My build changes pretty often, but one of my most recent iterations that I used to tank blackwyrm looked like this: https://bnstree.com/BM?build=45000021004320143306221383111111126112301110843205232023114221603310032213211

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