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Sentinel Ruins: Relic Core Boss Resets Itself


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When I was fighting the Relic Core Boss at the Sentinel Ruins Dungeon last week, it has reset itself on me more times than I can remember. 

Though I haven't played the dungeon again since the latest updates, so am not sure if the problem has been fixed. Just in case I recorded footage of how it looked like from my game play. 


Here is a link to the video where it happens. It is from 4:38 in the video till 5:10




There is a possibility that there is some mechanic that I am unaware off that supposedly resets the boss, but I will assume that it is just a glitch. 

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I've experienced this just today. At first I thought it was my own incompetence, but the boss literally resets every time you kill the large guardian as an assassin if you stealth, making it next to impossible to complete solo. You have to kill the relic core in one go without alerting it, which is difficult since you can't tell which way its facing when you want to Shadow Dash.

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