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Summoner VS Assasin


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Put 2 points into your root so that it resets every time you counter an attack with your seed shroud
Spam seed shroud whenever possible
Only attack when the steath run out
Always root first, if they jump out of it, counter their attack then root them again, now you can melt them down
If they focus your cat just press Q then melt them
The most important factor of playing a summoner is that you have to play patiently
Rely on your seed shroud, always keep your distance, spam your cat CCs, attack when enemy is rooted

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2 minutes ago, AZR said:

Put 2 points into your root so that it resets every time you counter an attack with your seed shroud
Spam seed shroud whenever possible
Only attack when the steath run out
Always root first, if they jump out of it, counter their attack then root them again, now you can melt them down
If they focus your cat just press Q then melt them
The most important factor of playing a summoner is that you have to play patiently
Rely on your seed shroud, always keep your distance, spam your cat CCs, attack when enemy is rooted

Thank you, how many points should I put on seed shroud 1 or 2 ?

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