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ERROR 4044


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So before I made this thread I searched in the forum to find a solution. Unfortunately none of the stuff I read in previous threads could solve my problem.


My situation:
I start BnS, the NCLauncher opens and the game updates to latest patch. The game opens and I can enter my 6 digit password. After I agree with NCSoft terms I land on the beginning screen and I can choose one of my characters... the game closes and I get an error message (error 4044). 

I tried deleting the GameGuard folder, reinstalling it, and restarted my pc. I still get error 4044. I tried starting BnS in safemode (Windows 7 pro). I still get the error. 
Any another ideas on how to fix it? 

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6 minutes ago, KuroAgito said:

It seems to ba a simple Game Guard issue. Try deleting the Game Guard folder in the game folder.

After you Log in to the game again it will "repair" itself and the game shoul work again.


He stated that he already did this.

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Have the same issue,

Get online, can run around for 1-2 min and then white Blade &Soul Screen like when I normaly close the game. Tried PC restart, client repair and new installation of GameGuard. nothing helped.

Yesterday it was just fine.

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Yeah, just started with this problem too. I had to relog and my game crashed with error 4044 withing less than 30s, now it wont even open. Already tried deleting the gameguard folder and adding exception to the firewall as suggested.

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This is a weird issue. I also got it. Deleted the gameguard folder and it wont reappear.
Ive tried playing with disabled firewall just in case. Same thing happens.
Definitely somethin that *cricket*ed up server or client side and there prolly wont be much to do untill a hotfix or maintenance patch. 

Ill be playing something else today and hope they either say something about it or some one finds a solution.

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Wtf is this? .... Yesterday everything's fine, today game crashed after login, deleted Gameguard folder for repair, was able to get into the game, after a few seconds get disconnected again. Great work again! Getting tired of this incompetence again and again.

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Thx NCSoft for "fixing" your Gameguard so that it suddently kicks legit players for no good reason. Feels great paying premium and not being able to play all of a sudden. Played till 17.30 CET no problems, came back 19.15 and game closes up on me after 2 min...

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same problem here ..i get into the game and after a minute it logs me out with a loading screen ..then a message about the 4044 error


..tried deleting gameguard but no solution ..i'm really not in the mood for disabling my background problems to find out what gameguard doesn't like ..gameguard why u do this ..why u haitin'

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