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Gathering of sample issue


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as a level 39 I have just decided to start gathering for the tree fellers, I am currently next to the jadestone city town hall at where I see a tiny tree glistering next to the bigger one which should be the first sample I have to collect, problem is, I am unable to interact with it... does anybody know why?

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Sometimes I have this issue with interacting with objects/NPCs in general.


What I do is kind of move back and forth slowly (while mashing "F") until I see that green aura. It's weird, I know, but it's just a thing sometimes.

Normally restarting your game fixes this issue.

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4 minutes ago, Hazgaz said:

When you join tree fellers, the npc next to the rep (Jadestone) has a quest that you must do to collect the sample.  After completed you can gather samples any time.


He mentioned that he's right at the first sample tree next to the Jadestone town hall; that's the first sample he needs to gather that's bugged for him.

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If you don't see a green light above the object you need to interact with, you don't have the quest. If you picked up the quest but the light doesn't appear, abandon the quest and pick it up again. If you were never given a quest, leave the guild and rejoin it.

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27 minutes ago, TheSkilled1 said:

 tiny tree glistering 


10 minutes ago, Banzatou said:


He mentioned that he's right at the first sample tree next to the Jadestone town hall; that's the first sample he needs to gather that's bugged for him.

The "glistening" means the quest isn't active or started.  Like Aria mention, try leaving or abandon quest and retry.  

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