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Skill tree leveling help


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None of the guides really help say where your points should go as you level up.  I am currently 21 and this would be a great help.  I had a few people tell me on reddit that at 

T3F4 Forceblast

T4F1 Flame palm

T2F2 Frost palm 


would be okay for solo/leveling but really past that I have little idea what to level up.  Any help would be great

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the people who told u tht doesnt know force master well. Depending on which build u want whether fire or ice, ur flame palm should be t3f2, frost palm at t3f2 if referring to the bnstree, if u are ice dont put points into 1 if u are fire use t3f3 for 1. Other skills for ice are Z X and 2, or X C V 2 for fire.

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10 minutes ago, Shadowice said:

I definitely want to go fire it seems to be more dps which is what you want being a solo character

It it more dps vs ice, but on the other hand it needs more skill points to be spent, lack of cc, lack of hp regen, lack of support for example, if ur at level 21 i recommend u start off with ice first and when ur max leveled or almost, then u can switch over to fire burn build. Ice has some cc and require less focus management and the hp regen are very helpful at lower levels. Fire burn requires better focus management. U will find fire eats focus pretty fast. But feel free to read the skill urself and see which one u think is helpful. Lastly ur main single target dps skill no matter which build except aoe should be LMB RMB and 2.

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