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Soul Shield Drop Rates and Time to Max


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Estimated time required to max a Soul Shield with desired stats:


tldr; 1/3rd (33%) of players will require 9 months or more to max selected stat.


1.85% chance on 4 pieces = 54 rolls * 4 = 216 rolls avg.

- 50% of players require 37 rolls or less per piece.
- 20% require 37-64 rolls.
- 15% require 64-101 rolls.
- 10% require 101-160 rolls.
- remaining 5% require 160-eternity rolls.


5.55% chance on 4 pieces = 18 rolls * 4 = 72 rolls avg.


- 50% of players require 12 rolls or less per piece.
- 20% require 12-21 rolls.
- 15% require 21-33 rolls.
- 10% require 33-53 rolls.
- remaining 5% require 53-eternity rolls.


@ 2 e.fleet runs per day (1 drop per run on avg.):




- 50% of players require 196 rolls = 98 days (3.2 months or less).
- 20% require 340 rolls = 170 days (3.2-5.6 months).
- 15% require 536 rolls = 268 days (5.6-8.8 months).
- 10% require 852 rolls = 426 days (8.8-14 months).
- remaining 5% require 852-eternity days (14+ months easily).



This is why you never use RNG probability-based drops without an alternate method of acquisition.


I'd label this type of design, but that would be insulting to designers, thus breaking forum ToS again.


In a future post, I will discuss the crude crafting and upgrade systems and also comment on cash shop items.

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