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NA/EU Character Preset sharing


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Ok So after seeing some picture threads in the general section, I figured if its something that the whole community shares with each other then why not.

This is a preset site for our NA/EU release, and hopefully with the help of the community, it can be a easy to access/read site for NA/EU.

I've had my fair share of small problems navigating through the asian sites and on top of that, can't really post my own stuff there too.


So this one is for us.
It also allows multiple pictures in one 'page' much like the asian galleries.

For those who have seen the older version, Its been updated from the layout of the previous preset site for a more dynamic style page.
(The old gallery1 link will be deleted in a month or so or less, but the images should be in the new layout.)


presetpage1.jpg presetpage2.jpg

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