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After spending 50 dollars for hats, mats and whats (short for whatever: added exp etc. due to premium membership) and finally getting to level 45, I woke up this morning to find out that my account has been locked. Why?! for using Battleping to improve my connection to your server in Texas by 20?! I'm sorry guys, it's obvious this is a second account I had to create to post here and I'm fairly sure this might not be the right place to post this but, if there are devs that can help out that can read this, it would really be appreciated. I mean... if you're looking for bots to ban, there are assholes with the names of asdfadsfads, asdfghergq, asdfadsfadsf, asdfadsfasdf, asdfgrg, asdfgasgasg, and etc. I am not too sure why you would think to include someone with a full legitimate name, level 45, spent 50 dollars and consistently does quests and a premium member! What is your problem?! I've sent an email to 2 different email addresses that seem to be ncsoft support sites but i have not received any replies. If anyone who can help is reading this please help, otherwise I'll be fine with saving money for another game. I just feel bad that I might be forced to drop this game because of this as I really wanted to support this game because it stands for everything I believe should not be removed from modern gaming.


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