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Which vortex?


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More spin damage.

Defense increases during vortex.

You can move faster during vortex (a great lifesaver after getting hit by a Fiend on the last Black Narrow boss fight).

Successful parries land you an extra orb.


I personally love spamming this move when the rest of my arsenal is in cooldown and/or getting myself out of a bind.

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.5 parry is king in PvP but as mentioned vs a summoner it would be wiser to build into the damage reduction. My assumption is because while you're busy trying to take care of that cat (although I usually use phantom grip to destroy the cat) you're taking damage from the summoner.


By the time the cat is dead, so far in my limited experience, you're also dead or sitting around 40%

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The left side with the movement speed is better in most situations, because if you trigger the F key ability you gain immunity to damage for a short time as well as a movement speed buff. Sometimes you'll need to change it out depending on the fight, as the right side gives you the only parry ability the class has.

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I use both depending on the situation when i need to move faster then i go with 400% def+ movement speed but hey when i do that might as well drop 3 points and go with maelstrom as well for bosses who like to spam aoes it's great and the speed boost comes in real handy in BSH vs Hey Moo Jin and his massive AOE's it lest you spin out the way when timed well and if hit the 400% def is a live safer. 


For open world pvp and arena parry can work a real treat you can mass stun groups and then use aoe attacks to reek havoc and 1 vs 1 it can be a real life saver to stun people ready to launch them for aerial combos but timing and latency play a big part if you have poor ping and lag then take the 400% def version as even with really good timing you wont pary that often. 

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It really depends, especially for PvE. There are certain attacks that can be parried, which is very good for stage 3 since parrying nullifies all the damage of the attack you parried. A good example of this would be the Augerite on floor 5 of Mushin Tower. All three of its basic attacks (hand slap, sweep, ground smash) can be parried and so it is wiser to take the stage 3 of vortex. The other 2 AoE attacks can be SS'd without much trouble since the two attacks are generally used at the same time: he grabs you, does an AoE wave attack and then spins around to deal more AoE damage. You just have to SS right after the grab.


However, like someone said, certain bosses like Hae Mujin have A LOT of AoE attacks that can't be parried, and so taking the 400% defense + maelstrom can be a real life saver in these cases. Even if you don't have maelstrom up (or any of your iframes), you can still use vortex before a heavy damage attack to reduce damage taken by a significant amount. Moreover you can skill into Bladeguard for a different parry choice, but that comes with the cost of sacrificing Lightning Strike (and quite frankly, Bladeguard is inferior to Vortex Stage 3).

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Haemujin got most of attacks that can be parried, only that you have to know which ones, and there's the difference between a move that some may confuse it very often. Is when he does a little jump, one will show yellow circle which another not, but he instead will get a little red-orange light on him. The yellow canbe parried, while the one without needs to be evaded with ss/q/e, you can't parry with tab, but you will not get flipped in air - > haemujin will either break your bones in his huge hug or spin around with you and throw you "like a shooting star". Rages however is a must to evade/immune.

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