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Broken story line quest Chapter 8 Volume 3


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In chapter 8 Volume 3, you have to follow this pig, a curious pig. He goes through this doorway to look at an empty room, and then goes through the dungeon, and you're asked to follow him. I raced ahead and left the dungeon thinking the gold arrow was pointing outside. When I realized my mistake, I re-entered, and traced back to where the pig would be. At this point, the doorway the pig goes through is closed, and doesn't re-open. The curious pig then glitches out, and doesn't try to go through the dungeon, stopping the story quest in it's tracks. Nothing seems to work to get the pig to move, and my story seems to be broken at this point, since I can't follow a pig that stares at a wall and can't go anywhere. This is serious for me, because I'm now stuck.

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This is the same for me too. The guy stopped moving entirely so I went on ahead and the door closed. I tried relogging and clearing the dungeon multiple times but no luck. Surprised this hasn't been fixed yet since you alerted them 2 days ago now.


Edit: Perhaps add a feature to abandon story quests? :l ...

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