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OMG Arena PVP not class balanced?!?!1!


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I posted this on Blade and Soul EU group too.

You know what really grinds my gears? No, not the servers, but the new people who complains on the forums that the arena PVP isn't class balanced (70% of them are BM's). Well of course it is not balanced, when we are 5 levels and 15 HM levels behind, with all the HM skills locked. What you guys expected? That NCWest would recreate the game balanced around 45 level arena PVP? That's what I call bullshit.

Yea, maybe BM is hard on this patch, but so what? If you train yourself in this patch and become good, you will own dem bomanis in next patches. Like wtf is the problem?

Sorry, but the salt from these new players is contagious.

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Bad parenting really grind my gears.


The only reason we have so many complainers is because of a whole generation of bad parenting.


Kids complain, and parent fly in to fix everything... too bad they can't fix BnS also.


I suppose it trace back to WW2 with a generation lost etc, but i digress.

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2 minutes ago, fhoeng said:

Bad parenting really grind my gears.


The only reason we have so many complainers is because of a whole generation of bad parenting.


Kids complain, and parent fly in to fix everything... too bad they can't fix BnS also.


I suppose it trace back to WW2 with a generation lost etc, but i digress.

Boy, that escalated quickly.

You went in quick n deep, I like it.

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A player looking for BALANCE in a MMO, is the same as a kebab looking for a glittering spec of dust on a needle in the middle of the ocean floor under the coconut tree beside the white rock with a sculpture of a mermaid holding a cup of tea which that kid behind that kebabhut bar took a picture with his DSLR camera bought from china with a logo of supergirl with a sticker showing...





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Too bad the asassins dmg is from hide and when u get out of hide non stop cuz of CC from blade dancers/destroyers rotating NON STOP and 20 stuns + the force masters with crystal armor and so on it just sucks and PS the sin stun works so good that it gets resisted non stop :/

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