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Crossing Fingers - Server down the different thread


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Hey there, 


as technician i feel with the guys who are currently working like mad to get the service up again. This thread is being addressed to the guys who made my day with this great game and specially to the guys who are working on the infrastructure to keep the servers up.


We all know that the current player peak is really stressy for all of you guys.

We know that scalability calcuations are really impossible and that you guys give the best with the calculated long-term ressources you have.

We know that this is a release and such things are happening. It's still a human made piece of software. 


We are looking forward to have great stable servers in the future, after the optimizations and fixes have been done. Maybe with the today's findings.


I am crossing fingers and just want to say:

Cheer up! You will fix it... as usual. 


Please do not post negative here. Use another thread to do it :) 


Thanks & Cheers


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A voice of reason ???? Logical reasoning combined with a postitive attitude ? B ... bu .... but why ? It's so much easier to complain, ask for compensation and scream failed game/release, instead of actually trying to see the whole picture ...


On a more serious note. Keep it up fella's, i can hear the sweat pouring down. 

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Yes, and it is really easy to give up and to be bitter. 


I think everybody knows the feeling, when something goes wrong and you have a lot of moaning people in the neck.

When i have such problems, somebody shows up and pulls me out of the troubleshooting. They motivate me again and I get the golden idea, the idea which fixes the problem really. Moaning Support and Helpdesk guys are no help. Moaning users are being handled by the community management. 


But a "Our community wishes you the best luck", will come through and helps to keep the head up.

There are just humans in a really stressy time.


Nobody plans server downs just to provoke the community. It would be funny, but usually you don't do it. Finally: You are in the shit.


Some positive stuff about this server down:

  • My desk has been cleaned up
  • The kitches looks like a kitchen now
  • Found some great songs to play on my guitar
  • Was able to find a great dungeon build for my char
  • and had some food :D
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