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Parallel Progression Path - Difficulty Based


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Simply put, the RNG and farming in this game are a bit off putting. I simply don;t feel like farming 20 dailies for some gold, each day, and do boring crafting, play the AH and so on for upgrading gear. I can understand however some people like it, so it should definitely stay.


I also understand the need to prolong content, so people don't run out of things to do. Creating new content is hard, and it needs some type of gating.


Now, what I would propose is to have an alternative path that is not based on so much farming, where one can get the best gear by being successful vs very tough monsters, preferably in group, coordinated content. 


For example, instead of having to do dailies for 4 weeks to upgrade your weapon and accessories, you'd run a very hard raid, suffer through many wipes and get your stuff off the bosses, with way less RNG, no more locked stuff and wrong class loot, still RNG drops like in other MMOs though.


How hard? Hard. Maybe 2-3 days of wipes to win against easier bosses. Maybe be stuck for weeks if you're average on the last boss, or get it done in a week if you're good and play with good people, able to communicate and execute.


Of course, with reduced RNG and good rewards, there should be a lockout system in place - days? a week? Details.


I'm saying this because I do like the game, but grinding dailies and gold is simply not my thing - at all. I wanna go in, do something challenging, get gear, go out, return next lockout.


I like challenge, I hate repetitive grinds. Since I played Wildstar as well, which is from the same company, I had hopes that this game is similarly constructed, but sadly it's not the case, and it makes me wonder if I wanna bother with it. 


Please don;t come with the "gotta work for it" mantra - I know exactly what working for it means. I am prepared to wipe 300 times with my buddies, if I had to and the game/encounters are good. I just don't wanna do same menial tasks each day and grind to BiS gear without much challenge.

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