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deleting a character is ridiculous


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I tried sending in a ticket about it because I planned on changing servers once the server blocks were lifted and they wouldn't do anything about the deletion period. 2 more days for my character to be deleted -.- Yay.

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it five minutes under 15 I am the same way with needing things to be perfect and indecisive about class but why not if you are unhappy by say 14 delete then it's still 5 minutes to delete also you can get 5 extra slots from the CS if you need that badly. I personally bought 2 because I know how I am but I never leveled above 15 till I was fully happy so I could take advantage of the 5 minute timer instead of waiting. 


However maybe for like 15-20 it should only be 30 minutes 

21-30 a couple hours 

31+ 7 days 

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Yep. It's especially horrible one you try out a class only to find it doesn't suit you or isn't that good. The whole two slots only thing makes it even worse...at this point I may as well look up what classes are the best/easiest and go for that instead of experimenting.

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9 minutes ago, Bahiti said:

I'm going to assume this is after a certain level? Any time i've deleted characters it's taken 5 minutes..

yeah I just notice myself that there seems to be a break point.. 1-15th level or so and 5 or 6 mins to delete a character .. 15th to whatever and it is 7 days ..


EVE was like this and it is a nice safety net in case you get hacked BUT annoying in general if you just want to try something new

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