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FM vs BM/Destroyer that stuns everytime you attack


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I am not familiar with other classes since this is my first character, can someone explain the mechanics on blade master and destroyer that stuns me everytime I attack them? I know blade master's counter/block move seem to stun everytime i attack, but destroyer seems to do it passively when spinning.


Any tips on how to fight those two classes as force master is greatly appreciated, I can't seem to do anything since I feel like i am stunned every other time I attack them.



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Spec into the snowball that prevents them from using defenses, and aim to combo using that as an opener.


Alternatively, their deflect only lasts for a short period (.5sec) at the beginning of their spins, as long as you are not spamming, you should be fine. Don't just spam LMB/RMB, and instead make sure to time to not get stunned.

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So I'm gonna regret posting this, but I'm a BM, usually can handle fm pretty easy, but one thing I've seen people do and I don't know if its a bug in the game or what but when people jump up and down like crazy it messes with our airial combos.  Like If I stun you while you're mid jump it wont even let me pop you up half the time.  Without that pop up our combo is weakened very badly.

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