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The tagging system is outdated and does not belong in an MMO


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It's like a bloodfest. I steal someone's flowers while they're attacking an enemy, they hit all enemies and run away leaving me to kill them all, 20 people are farming the same quest mob that spawns one at a time, I change channels, they follow me. It's a cruel, cruel world.

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On 1/26/2016 at 10:14 AM, Utage said:

Party up with other players farming the same mob, and you can share the kills/loot. It's meant to encourage party play.

know how annoying it is to party with someone, kill a couple mobs then leave the party to go do another quest and have to ask for a party from someone else every 10 seconds? Its a terrible design and it does need to be removed.

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On 1/26/2016 at 9:14 AM, Utage said:

Party up with other players farming the same mob, and you can share the kills/loot. It's meant to encourage party play.


The problem with that is people are more inclined to grab your mob and carry them far enough away to reset.  Then they can grab the mob themselves.  Had this happen to me multiple times after I offered to invite them to a party.

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On 26/01/2016 at 6:40 AM, Sdric said:

Well, I usually try to do that but a lot of people don't notice it/don't accept, leading to the situatione xplained above where it feels like everybody is an enemy.


GW2 had a great solution where people didn't have to team up to get benefits from helping others.

That system was like a million times better than this


GW2 system was great for me, i got to solo everything outside of dungeons and never had to talk to anyone.


Wait that sounds like the complete opposite of bringing people together and encouraging party play.

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8 minutes ago, DarkExile said:

GW2 system was great for me, i got to solo everything outside of dungeons and never had to talk to anyone.


Wait that sounds like the complete opposite of bringing people together and encouraging party play.

You're right, instead, you should be fighting for mobs and yelling at them "CRICKET YOU MOTHERCRICKER THAT WAS MY KILL"


Or actually, GW2 was one of the games I socialized most in

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You can't be expected to stand around trying to party everyone around you in every new batch of mobs for every new quest. People will always come up with an "answer" like "you could just bend over backwards and avoid the problem, duh~" as if that makes them wise. It's bad design. It doesn't "encourage party play" because you shouldn't have to party up with a stranger EVERY QUEST just to kill ten mobs and move on. You're not best friends after that. You're not going to socialize and find out common ground. Chances are they won't even accept and you'll stand there like an idiot trying to party all the ppl running around stealing your mobs for longer than it would take to pick them off yourself. Best case scenario they'll party with you, you'll kill the two more they need to finish, and they'll leave without a word.


No matter what it's pointlessly frustrating to not just be able to COMPLETE the inane quests and move on without fighting over the mobs tooth and nail (when like 3 spawn and 10 kills are needed)

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Everything that ends up being chosen "because bots" ends up ruining the experience for real players.


And we still see the bots spinning around in groups and spamming chats (still common in cross-server lobbies), even with premium stars next to their names.

Claiming something was done "because bots" is the worst excuse for anyone who is actively playing this game and seeing it just doesn't work on top of being annoying.

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