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Fans of the anime?


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Hey! <3 So anyone here a fan of the newest Blade and Soul anime? If you haven't watched it i do recommend it. More info *and spoilers* http://myanimelist.net/anime/22547/Blade___Soul


Something that catches my attention though, is that the anime feels more grim than the game. Anyone else get that vibe? The mmorpg even have a very kawaii summoner race as you may seen. But in the anime there's not much of a kawaii vibe.. Is it?

Imo the character development is it's strong connection. I can't wait to learn more about the characters through the mmorpg. I can't imagine me being the only one. How about it? Did you hear of the mmorpg after watching the anime like me, and are you interested in the story too?


You can drop a comment if you haven't yet but want to watch it too. :3 

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I liked the anime. Is not a masterpiece, of course, but was kinda nice... if maybe a bit low budget in the animation departament.


But I must confess that half of the fun for me was shipping the female characters together. :3


And I agree in that the anime feels more grim than the game. The anime could be called "Deaths, betrayals and suffering : The anime."

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