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Its only about ping must of time


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i maked that topic cause i see ppls cry about what class is stronger or what is weaker, so i can tell u all classes is good u should know, but it can be more suck if someone have higher ping, every mmos almost only about ping in pvp not much about skill, lets say someone have 100ms and u have just 10-20 and 100ms is very skilled player and that 10-20 is just newb who just reached 45 so ofc that newb will win even without skill cause its great difference in ping so guys no need to cry about who is weaker than u or stronger cause u cant know who what ping have, and all who tell u hes ping can lie too, so simple cant really know if fighting fair or not like told up there, so gl in having good ping guys and even with suck ping just try to have fun thats all

(my great knowledge-no one is better or more suck than other in mmo cause there will be always difference in ping even just that 10-15ping more can change gameplay)

Only no skillers will answer this post and ppls with very low ping like 10-20 or lie that have huge ping like 100+ and kill all like always in every mmo forums :) +if u think u better than someone, that mean u are just weakling simple

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100ms and 10 ms is very small difference.  300ms and 10 ms the ping wins.   

i bet you are unskilled though,  just by going by what you wrote.  it's ok, get better. blame gear, blame ping, blame partners and stay bronze for life 


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7 minutes ago, phinders said:

100ms and 10 ms is very small difference.  300ms and 10 ms the ping wins.   

i bet you are unskilled though,  just by going by what you wrote.  it's ok, get better. blame gear, blame ping, blame partners and stay bronze for life 


Gl playing KFM with 100 ping. 10 ping KFM with the same skill level will absolutely beat the living shit out of you.



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same lvl of skills, ping does matter.

Although, NCsoft in the streams promised a max of 60ms ping for all the bns eu/na players, no matter where they were from. Actually there's no ping showing while playing, although on the current server state I think just few people, on the moments where there isnt overcrowd, would have 60 or less ping. I feel like I'm on a stable 100ish, maybe 200 or more, plus lag spikes between 2pm-midnite

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6 hours ago, phinders said:

100ms and 10 ms is very small difference.  300ms and 10 ms the ping wins.   

i bet you are unskilled though,  just by going by what you wrote.  it's ok, get better. blame gear, blame ping, blame partners and stay bronze for life 


It is not, because ping =/= actual delay. Ping is the amount of time that takes a very small package to knock BnS server and return to your computer, however, because of software security , actual delay may be 2-3 times the ping value , add to this value the amount of data that needs to be sent to server with single "tick". Actual delay is generally higher than ping value. 

Pings usually only send 32bits worth data, im pretty sure game needs to send way bigger package.


This being said, i dont think ping effects gameplay as long as its below 90

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