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Nerf F-ing Blade Cancer already ffs


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Spin does not too much. If i fight with another BD, yes, is a cancer. Just wait until skill finished. Have 0.5 sec CD?


I using it only with assasins (perma invis) and in PvE. And yes, i not using this skill, because i hate spin2win.

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Theres two options either learn ALL of your opponents skills and what they do and how long their cool downs last or don't play pvp, you have the opportunity to improve and understand how the game works. Im sure you are aware that the class you play is good and bad like any other class in higher rankings.

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Noobs... Learn your classs watch some videos learn how your skills work and combos there is always a way to win, i been wining most matches because all i see is ppl spaming skills and 0 stratagy 0 timings Learn how to play stop complaning this is a game Of skill not of spaming you have to use your head 

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^ Those of us with a CLUE how to play this game decently laughing as these threads come and go at the speed of light. See ya at gold, Sucker.




An assassin who eats blade dancers because instead of crying on the forums, i learned how to count spins and chi.

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On 1/24/2016 at 7:45 AM, TopsyCrets said:

I suck against blade dancers pls nerf


They're probably one of the easier classes to fight in PvP. If anything, they need a buff. I only lost one match against a BD and they were much more skilled than I was.


Remember to change your skill loadout for each class you face. You can't use just one build and expect to faceroll everything.

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On 1/24/2016 at 0:45 AM, TopsyCrets said:

Like how much of a community bitching do you need to understand how broken that damn class is. You CANNOT touch them. Fix this broken sht already. Spam Spin cant be cc'd or damaged like wtf is that sht.


Blade and Soul is the best game there is. The only way you can play it is to have skills. No really its pure skills all the way. It does not have any class balance issues. i know, i asked the degenerates around here playing it and they agreed!. Blade and Soul is best game, no say bad word to Broken Sauce Online. 

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22 minutes ago, Rushiera said:


Blade and Soul is the best game there is. The only way you can play it is to have skills. No really its pure skills all the way. It does not have any class balance issues. i know, i asked the degenerates around here playing it and they agreed!. Blade and Soul is best game, no say bad word to Broken Sauce Online. 


Take a look at the PvP arena forum. Just a quick glance--notice how there's a thread for every class saying it's OP? Yeah. It does largely boil down to skill. You need to learn the other class if you want to ever start winning in PvP. When I first started the first few people I fought completely mopped the floor with me, once I started to figure out how the other classes work (example: assassins love to spam their counter, especially after a flashbang) then the fights became easier.


The few -legitimate- balancing issues there are will be ironed out in the next patch. But for the most part the PvP is largely skill based.

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