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Summoner: The Truth


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Hello fellow Blade and Soul players, thank you for coming to my post.  I've never actually really made any posts on any forums, but this game is quickly becoming my new favourite way to waste away my life.  Having played the Korean version of Blade and Soul years ago, I've been waiting for the day this game came to North America and now, I would like to take a more active role in the game's community than I have with previous games.  Anyways, on to the Summoner!!


Firstly, I'd like to state that I am by no means a veteran to this game, nor this class.  I don't know all the ins and outs, but I am learning quickly and would like to share a few nuggets of wisdom.


Summoners are OP!!

This is just not true.  While most people think it is, this is simply not the case.  The summoner is easily countered in PvP if you know what you are doing.  What is happening, is a lot of people are jumping into PvP as soon as they can and because of this are lacking the points required to properly build their class, leaving them open to things they will have a much easier time countering later down the road.  Yes, we have a pretty strong pet compared to most games with pet classes, but, that is the nature of PET-Classes.  The trick is to by-pass it, as we rely on it, rather heavily. If you cannot kill my pet outright, CC it.  If you are finding this hard to do, dip out, get a few levels and look over your skills and find the right places to put your points.  We also lack the ability to get out of a lot of things and we are fairly slow.  This is the counter to our powerful pet. (Be thankful that it can't taunt you like my Druid's pet in Guild Wars 2.)

A lot of people are crying out that the Summoner is OP and the pet needs to be nerfed, because they don't know how to deal with it, so the claim that they are OP is invalid.  I get WRECKED by Kung Fu Masters and Destroyers, mostly because I can't get out of their grapples, nor can I keep them at bay.  A lot of classes have Counter-Counters, Summoners don't have too many, so if you break one of our CC's, we have some lengthy downtime before we can try it again.


Summoners are EZ-Mode and require no skill!!

While it's easy to pick up the Summoner, they are hard to master.  For the most part, you can skate by with some RMB/LMB spamming while your pet does some knock downs, but when you start fighting players who stopped whining and learned their class, this will no longer cut it.  You need to spec and tailor your summoner to your play-style if you want to get anywhere serious.  The truth is; Summoners are really easy to counter and over power when you stop freaking out about the fact that it is 2v1 and start paying attention.  To say that Summoners are EZ-core is just nonsense made up by people who are mad about a cat pounding their buttocks ;P

To those that want to play Summoners, don't let this get you down.  They are a rewarding class to learn and are really fun if you like a healthy balance of solo and group content.


The pet needs to be nerfed!!

Okay, so, I've mentioned this about the pet earlier, but I want to go into a little bit more detail.  The summoner is a pet-class.  So, naturally it's play-style is focused around the pet and coordinating with it.  It's not really that powerful, it's no where near the DPS or stability of a player and the Summoner lacks DPS compared to others, together, they form ONE functioning class.  It feels overwhelming because the damage and control is coming from two different angles.  Realize that the cat is merely an extension of the player.  Again, to those that want to play the Summoner, will do well to remember that as well.  Your pet is not just a continual DoT you can throw on someone, it's part of your class.  Use it!


If you want to play a Summoner, don't let the negative things people say about them stop you.  You're not taking the easy way out.  I once got bitched at in Guild Wars because my Ranger killed another Ranger with RANGED attacks while he used a sword.  People will make up any excuse to say it's not their fault they lost.


To those that have a rough time fighting Summoners, keep practicing.  Try playing one to learn it first hand, so you know what to look for while you are fighting one.


Remember, all that time complaining could be spent getting better at killing them :P


Well, that's all folks.  If you made it this far, thanks for reading my post. :) If you agree or disagree, feel free to comment at let me know.



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Are you bronze or silver?


After 1,8k it's literally only summs/destros/lbms that i fight and there's a reason to that, also u can't counter 30% max hp heal every 20 seconds :)


The only classes that can easily kill summs are said destros and kfm cc locks.

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I havn't bothered reading your entire post , after the first couple lines i got the impression it was a biased opinion from someone tryna defend his class. Anyways , you want to know why people think summonners are OP? Make any other class and challenge a summoner to pvp who's 3-5 levels bellow you. You'll understand

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I, myself, am Silver.  I think I'm... 1500 something?  I don't remember and I WISH I could get online to check :P


I think my W/L is 9/5 atm.


Like I said, I get crushed by Kung Fu Masters and Destoryers, mainly because I haven't learned how to counter them properly, yet.  


I wont deny that Summoners are easy to pick up, as stated above, but perhaps the reason you're encountering Summoner's at higher points is not because they are OP or EZ-core, but rather, they learned how to play?

As for the heal, are you referring to Doom n' Bloom?  Because, it often doesn't save my life.  Most classes can out DPS the healing that I am doing and Huzzah! (The pet heal) is rather pitiful when the pet is getting hammered, even spec'd to heal 40%, rather than 20%


Also, if you can CC us, we can't heal :P


I find, as a Summoner, the easiest way to beat my opponent, is to get the pet to knock you down.  If I can get a Pounce off, I'll come at you with everything I've got.  The trick really is to take care of the pet, first.  Either CC it and come at me, or CC me and destroy it lol

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2 hours ago, Darshu said:

I havn't bothered reading your entire post , after the first couple lines i got the impression it was a biased opinion from someone tryna defend his class. Anyways , you want to know why people think summonners are OP? Make any other class and challenge a summoner to pvp who's 3-5 levels bellow you. You'll understand

You're entitled to your opinion, however, this isn't the case.  Yes, it is a "Defense" post, but it's not biased.  I try not to write anything too one-sidedly and keep my mind open to the other side.  I can't help but feel you might not think that, if you read the whole thing?


Anyways, I was inspired to write this post, when the side of the game 'biased' against Summoners cried out for it to be nerfed, when, it really doesn't need to be.  Do all the classes as a whole need to be balanced better?  Sure.  But singling out the Summoner because you lost isn't the answer.  Like I've said.  I get wrecked by KFMs, doesn't mean I think they are OP.  I just need to learn to fight them better.

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I am a Forcemaster.


I am going to support this post even though i know a bunch of people are too frustrated to hear your points. I am now wrecking SMN on a regular basis. Why? because i put the time and effort in, and fought A LOT of Summoners. Currently people just want to hop into PvP, get their kicks and leave. They don't want to have to THINK about tactics or what makes a class work. I still do terrible against Blademasters and Destroyers because I just don't fight many of them. I regularly win against SMN, ASN and LBD because they are everywhere.


Summoners are not OP, people are just too lazy to learn about their opponents.

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You say 'CC the pet' but that doesn't do a whole lot when the lil guys hide behind it all through the CC and try to exploit the game's targetting to get you to screw up your CC. Any other solutions?


I personally think that while the summoner's skill ceiling isn't a problem... there is currently too much reward for too little skill investment as a summoner. In layman's terms... bad players win matches they shouldn't because their class is effectively playing PVP on easy mode.

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1 hour ago, PerfectInputs said:

Ignore the pet , chain cc and nuke them.

Also using your mobility is a major factor.

Keep abusing your iframes also helps alot , so does knowing your skills and the opponents.

Just my point of view .

So basically play your class at an extremely high skill level to meet the effectiveness someone who's just facerolling?

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I think that people are just mad because they haven't figured out an effective way to beat them yet, well, at least some people have. I play both a Summoner, and a Kung Fu Master, which is the only class I have major issues with, and I find them just as easy to play as eachother.


The fact is, is a lot of people will whine that something is OP if it provides even the slightest bit of a challenge.


Rememner, folks, the game is still new, blanching will come. Balancing will come for ALL classes. Until then, learn yourself, learn your enemy :P


I mean, you can't really say something is OP, for when everytime someone does, there is another person who has no issues with them.

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HAHAHA! wow, you think summoner is not overpowered? really? I am a sin, I know what its like to have people gripe, lbd, Sum, fm and destroyer are the bane of my existence (competent ones), but summoners are at the absolute top. They have dps, they have tons of cc and they have quite a bit of escape (swapping with the cat?), the biggest problem is they can do it all, while being a RANGED class. 


I can fight destro hit and run, I can rush down a FM in some cases.

Summoner? they just eat me alive, pounce, tab out, sidewinder behind them, swap with cat, pop counter stealthed, then you the aoe thorn/root. They have to much of EVERYTHING that makes other classes good... oh and they are ranged.

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12 hours ago, Scorpaeon said:

I am a Forcemaster.


I am going to support this post even though i know a bunch of people are too frustrated to hear your points. I am now wrecking SMN on a regular basis. Why? because i put the time and effort in, and fought A LOT of Summoners. Currently people just want to hop into PvP, get their kicks and leave. They don't want to have to THINK about tactics or what makes a class work. I still do terrible against Blademasters and Destroyers because I just don't fight many of them. I regularly win against SMN, ASN and LBD because they are everywhere.


Summoners are not OP, people are just too lazy to learn about their opponents.


I went up against 2 different FMs today as SMN. One wasn't even difficult at all. The other? He came close to beating me both times (I still won both rounds though was just a lot closer) but he was smart and learned to keep me CCed and not face me while CCed. Same with a KFM I fought today. He kept me CCed a lot of the fight.

Pretty much it just comes down to how well a person can keep us CCed or stunned. If I as a summoner can walk around freely while you're just poking at my cat... Yeah you're gonna lose lol.

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As a Summoner (1,6k) i only have a hard time with Blade Dancers and Kung Fu Masters and their stuns  (Haven't fought against Destroyers or Force Masters). And still, a Doom Bloom is my key, not for hp recovery, is my key for the focus recovery. Cmon, a cat grip + nearly infinite sunflower cannon is a huge combo xD


Manage to keep stunned the cat or the summoner (Some assasins gave me a hard time with this) and you have half of the match.

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As I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I find it really hard to take the rage and insulting comments seriously at all.  When you rage like that, all I get from it is that you don't want to take the time to learn how to beat a Summoner.  There are just as many people who find them easy to beat, as there are who get killed by them.  In MY opinion, that just means you either don't know your own class well enough or you are just mad because you got beat by a "cutesy" class.  I read in another forum post, that someone had raged so bad, they tried to say that NCSoft literally only made it to attract female players.  It's comments like that, that make your argument carry less weight.


The way I see it, most of you wont be happy until your favourite class can one-shot everything else.  All this time complaining and whining about how "OP" the Summoner class is, is all time you could spend getting better at fighting them.


We aren't that hard to beat, we just play to the strength of being a PET class.  Play to the strength of your own and you'll do better.  Remember, no matter how good you are, there will always be someone who is better than you, so you ARE going to lose, you can't avoid that, so raging and making excuses because you did, wont help you.


If Summoners are so OP, why the hell do I get wrecked by Kung Fu Masters? (No joke, 3/4 of the KFMs I fight, I lose to)  Why are Destroyers so hard to kill?  I can't beat an Assassin that actually plays like an Assassin.  I'm not the best Summoner, or the best player in the game, but I am competent and I understand the strengths and weaknesses of my class, you should, too.  Learn all the ins and outs of your class.  If you find yourself losing a lot, get some levels so you can do more with your spec.  If you are cap, tweak it.  Also, remember, you can change things around between matches.


I fought a Blade Dancer, who in the first match, absolutely destroyed me.  Before the second match, I moved some points around to help me better combat what he was doing and did a lot better, that time I won.  He beat me in the third match, though, I guess he did the same?  So, how can I be OP?


Sure, as stated before, Summoner IS easy to pick up, but you wont get anywhere unless you master it, and mastering any class is no easy task.


I don't know, to quote Goku "Those fighters could be twice as strong if they just trained harder."

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Goku was born in a warrior culture, he was not raised nor shaped by it.  In fact, he forgot it all and fought against it.  While I know it is true, he wanted Gohan to realize his true potential, he still hid behind his son :P


Maybe I just want my cat to realize his full potential?? :P

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He was raised by a master in martial arts and knew nothing else but fighting his own life!!! Have you actually read the manga or watched the show?? :O


The only thing he forgot was that he was programmed to destroy the Earth, that's when he hit his head.

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Oh, yes, absolutely, almost raised on it :P  However, I wouldn't say he was raised in a warrior culture.  Gohan was not a warrior, but a practitioner of the martial arts, but not for war, or to hurt people, but to protect the people you love.  These are the ideas that Goku was raised with.  He lives for the thrill of the fight, but he even said so himself, he doesn't like to fight out of anger or to hurt, he fights to test himself and get better.  So, no, I wouldn't call it a warrior culture :P

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I'm at home either way, I like a healthy debate, haha.  However, I don't want to get too involved in the Dragonball debate, as this IS a Blade and Soul forum, I'd hate to get flagged as irrelevant lol


I have NO idea if the Arena is cross-server, I would imagine so if the dungeons are, but my Summoner is of the same name as my forum name.  We could have a friendly sparring match, some day?  I need more practice with Blade Masters anyways :P  The only class I am really GOOD at fighting, is Assassin, anything else, I'm okay, and like I said, KFMs and Destroyers can bite me :P

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