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Anyone know how to get SLI working?


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Thanks for posting on the player to player support forum.


Have to tried a fresh install of your graphics card? What type of graphics card do you have? OS? Need some more information.


Please reply if this worked, and post on my profile if you like my support.


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2 hours ago, Gluxdator said:

Thanks for posting on the player to player support forum.


Have to tried a fresh install of your graphics card? What type of graphics card do you have? OS? Need some more information.


Please reply if this worked, and post on my profile if you like my support.



I have 2 GTX 970s so the game runs fine with only one card working but in populated areas I think the extra power would be useful. I installed the latest GeForce drivers from scratch last night and that made no difference. I am using Win 8.1, some reported simply forcing full screen would do the trick but as I stated I monitored the gpu usage and there is no difference. One card has high usage while the other is at a few percent (basically idling). Thanks.

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