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is NCSOFT waiting out the storm of the F2P launch? or do they not plan to do anything?


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Alright, so i come here alittle disgruntled, keep that in mind while reading this.


Basically i've been playing on Old Man Cho from Headstart. I've recently, like im sure alot of player have, gotten friends who are logging on with the F2P launch.

The problem with Old Man Cho is that once the F2P launch when live, we were basically getting swamped due to the number of streamers on our server, and now it's keeping us at a 3k-4k queue.

My f2p friends are just people who want a chance to play the game, they moved over to a less populated server and started. the problem is, im basically 70-100 hours in at this point, all i want is SOMETHING, ANYTHING to carry over to this new server i plan to move to in order to join my friends being as they have to suffer a 30 minute queue to join the server i currently play on.


So I sent in a support ticket basically asking for something or anything, (Keep in mind: Wardrobe isn't account-wide. They recently closed the ability to move founder pack items over on the 20th. Anything i spent in NCoin on keys,outfits aren't going to follow me over either) and they replied in a timely manner(it was a nice response time for a f2p launch) with a reply that basically doesn't help me on any count saying that they don't offer transfers nor have they announced any plans currently to have server transfers but it could possibility in the future.


so basically all I'm wondering at this point is NCSOFT waiting out the f2p sh*t storm before they start offering server transfers or help regarding making something carry over to encourage people moving to less populated servers.

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You can't transfer from server to server without losing anything because the game was never designed to have that option.


So, either tough it out and create a new character on the new server or deal.


Or just quit the game, not much else you or anyone else can do.

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They said in the livestream that expanding the servers is physically impossible without creating a ton of lag so all u can really do is log in at dead times, wait or come back later when hype dies down


I know it sucks 

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it's just abit discouraging to see 115 bucks go down the drain because they don't offer a feature that the majority of other mmorpgs have. i totally understand they don't have the feature, and understand it's very unfair to be upset over a feature they just Don't have. just a rant i guess.

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Hey Puppetface, we've done the best we can considering our options. That included adding more servers and testing the stability of expanding server loads. We're still considering other options and while we know it seems like a long wait right now, the queues most likely won't always be like this. We'll keep everyone updated as we have new ideas to try to help make sure friends can play together. Oh and don't forget about some of the cross-server functionality with dungeons, arenas, etc.

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