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Character Creation Zoom?


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Is there a way to zoom in on the character creation screen?  I'm assuming there's a zoom function on the character screen since you can pick out the small details like pupils.  I've tried the +/- keys and the "Home" and "End" keys to zoom in/out.  I also tried the Synaptics TouchPad Enhancements which lets me use the side of the touch pad to scroll like a mouse wheel. 

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Well on my desktop computer (obviously while using a mouse) I just use the mouse wheel. I find it odd that the touchpad version of that doesn't work.


I just tried everything on my keyboard and nothing seemed to get a zoom to work. Probably just buy a cheap mouse if that's possible. Or even if you have a controller you could plug into the computer and use as a gamepad. You could then use the zoom through the gamepads settings if that's possible.


Sorry this isn't the best advice.

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  • 1 year later...

How to zoom in and out.


2.Key Bindings


4.If you look at the list there should be zoom in and zoom out. 

5. Where it says secondary and where is says none, put in whatever you want the zoom in and out option in.


P.s. This possibly doesn't work for character creation.

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