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Why the fark is BS PVP so farking broken?


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BS PVP is well BS.  I'll list the reasons:


1.  You cant really target your opponent to find out what level he is.  This is important as level 9 against level 42 doesn't work very well.

2.  Level 42s hang out in low level regions and gank level 9s.  See point 1 above.  After dead you have to try and mouse over the guy who just killed you, to determine if you suck or if he sucks for ganking a low level player.  I'm now level 29 and the same problem exists.  Its not any better, I die just as fast as I did when I was level 9.

3. There is no level restrictions on zones and regions, this is a problem for pvp quests.  See point 2 above.

4. You can only pvp if you equip your proper faction outfit.  Clever idea,I kind of like it.  What ends up happening is that people just hang out and watch.  If you are pvping in a fair fight witha a same level opponent, the level 45 that happens to be "just an observer" equips his gear and ganks you.  See point 2 above.


So basically this is stupid.  You should get your pvp faction outfit when you hit 45.  Otherwise its all a waste.  Whats the point?  Is BS trying to be BM?


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OK don't wear it at level 9.  But how about level 29 when you do have pvp quests?  Call in your faction ok... but what are we doing here?  The level 29s are useless.  Its a level 29 quest and the only one getting fair pvp is the level 45s.  AGAIN BS PVP IS BROKEN at any level less than 45.

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If people just want to fight other people, that's what the duel is for 1v1 3v3, if you want to earn faction tokens and rep then you have to do quest to kill the mini faction bosses  in the faction area, noted on your map my red and blue pyramids.  Faction uniform and faction pvp is for grinding faction tokens for faction items and clan crafting.  Faction quests only work with uniform, so quest giver/turn in won't show until you put it on.  

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I go into these low level areas to do my quests as well. I leave every lowbie I see alone and if I see them inching to test their luck against me, I mention to them why Im there and that I'll leave them alone. Problem is, there are some people who are low level who don't particularly like to listen or they think they're pvp gods. Yesterday, there were people farming my faction's boss in Scorching Sands, I went about my business doing quests when they all decided to gank me. I killed all 5 of them easily because of my damage, and I told them again that they could go farm their boss no problem and that I was only doing my own quests, and they still tried once again. 


PvP is like this across most games, if you see a high level ganking, switch channels and go about your way.

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