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How to make a successful tournament in Blade & Soul!


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  • Imperial Network Founder
Hey Community, I'm here with a tutorial on how you can make a successful tournament! I'd really like to see the eSports scene in Blade & Soul flourish so I just wanted to share my knowledge with the community.

Table of Contents
  • Making a bracket
  • Tournament Community Platform
  • Getting players involved
  • Branding
  • Volunteers
  • Streaming & Shoutcasting
  • Advertisement
  • Website
  • Conclusion

1. Bracket

https://battlefy.com is by far the best bracket site right now, if you're making a tournament I highly suggest you use it! Battlefy is very interactive with the community and takes a lot of feedback for additional features they can add in the future. One of the most popular suggestions right now is a seasonal standings which I think will be great for Blade & Soul.

a) Creating an Organization:

Once you've signed up for https://battlefy.com go to the top right, click your avatar, & go to "My Organizations" and then click "Create" and create your very own tournament organization.
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b) After you've made your organization, it's time to make a tournament! 
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Choose your the format of your liking, the amount of players you want in the tournament and know that for future tournaments the format is saved if you wish to use the same template for your convenience. 

c) Bracket, Overview, Seeding, and other settings

Once you've made your tournament, click "Manage" on your tournament page then you can navigate through the menu depicted below:

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Overview: The rulesets, header image, "About" description, prizes, contact information and schedule can all be edited here.
Participants: If you need to change somebodies name, this is the place to do it.
Seed: This is where you seed your tournament. There is also a waiting list so incase somebody doesn't show up you can sub them in and trade the seed # with the missing player.
Bracket (edit): You can edit your bracket format, number of players, addition of 3rd place match, and more here.

That concludes our bracket section for now, if you have any further questions about brackets please let me know!

2.Tournament Community Platform

https://discordapp.com/ is your best utility in making a tournament community. Heres an example of how we set up our Imperial Tournaments:

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In Discord, you can also set different ranks for tournament participants, admins, etc. and make it appear on the right sidebar so participants can easily find their opponents and PM them. You can do this in your server settings (which you can access by clicking your Discord server title on the left sidebar)

Heres an example:
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I also welcome any tournament organizers to join my network at http://impbns.com - You can PM me here or e-mail me:impbns@gmail.com

3. Getting player involved

Talk with the community, talk to streamers, and anybody you can through social media outlets to grow your tournaments and community. If people like what they see and have a good experience, they'll probably stick around.

4. Branding

Branding is very important, make your tournament pleasing to the eye. You want to impress people with the dedication and time you put into making everything look as professional as you can with your tournaments. For example, the logo in my signature was made as a commission, looks good and we take pride in our brand and logo, as anyone should with theirs.

5. Volunteers

Finding volunteers isn't too hard in my experience, just show people you're serious about what you want to do and I'm sure they'll come to help you. You can ask your friends or guild to help you in your endeavors as well.

6. Streaming/Shoutcasting

I feel this is very important in growing your tournaments, make sure you have a stream for your tournaments & a shoutcaster to break that ominous silence surrounding the match. Even if its an amateur shoutcaster, its okay, its better than no commentating at all.

7. Advertisement

Let people know who you are! Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Dojo, Official B&S forums, let people know what you're doing and get as many people as you can to participate.

8. Website (optional)

Having a website may make you look much more official, there is a lot of resources where you can make easy websites and then throw a domain on it to make your brand all the more official. 

9. Conclusion

If you've done all this, you're on your way to making a suitable tournament organization for participants to play in. Try your best and keep at your endeavors to create tournaments and lets build the eSports scene together. 
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