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Bid Dungeon System


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As the title already says, the system for items to drop in dungeons or open world whenever the player is in a group is pitiful.

For example, even though ur lucky enough that your item/wep drops in that run, u still need to bid for it. The highest bidder get's that item/wep which is ridiculous. At least if there is such a system then make the trading available!

But like this poor players have to spent amounts of money inorder to get their stuff in dungeon runs.

That's one of the reasons why we have a marketplace  to trade with oneanother.


Actually this is the first game i ever played that had such an (sorry to say) crap bidding system for item drops. It's truly sad because bid/trade is a big main issue which spoils the gameplay in BnS. I really do hope this is going to change in future or be completely demolished or be overlapped with a Dice/Roll system or at least make the trading for items/weps/gears available.

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The amount of money spent on bidding is divided between the remaining party-members. You get damn rich by running dungeons, not bidding on anything.
Fantastic system!

Btw, just go party-leader and change the loot-options... Bye!

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So because you dislike this system it should be removed ?. 

I don´t have a problem with it,  more dung runs = more gold, so in a sense you can think of it like a average raiding poiting system. more you attendant more you can spend. 
since i run mostly with guildies the problem barely there. perhaps make friend or join a guild ..

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mhm well i guess guild/friend would be my option seems this system won't change. To be honest such a system is rare to be found in an mmo.  The weird thing is i never came out richer from an dungeon run. When i will play today i gotta pay more attention D:

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pretty much all said in above posts, in the end its something that ensures everyone benefits in some way to being in the dungeon and THAT cannot be bad in any way.. winner of the bid gets the item they want, losers get money depending on how much the winner bid... win/win situation if you ask me.. id rather get a bit of money back for my efforts than a need/greed system that ensures someones going to go home empty handed..

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I saw in a different topic, how some people raise min. price of start.  so you could raise it to 1-5-10 silver or whatever you pleases if you leader. 

also. I truely hope everyone QQing about loot system will just leave.  If they can´t find people or clan to run with, i doubt their personality is worth keeping if they cant even find mates online lol.

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2 minutes ago, Mesmerize said:

It's fine for the money split between the party, however it's stupid when something untradeable that other classes can't use and you can give it a good use win the bid over you.

true :O

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